Hi guys, I have a question

Someone know if a Concept Art community exist? :S
I mean,a place where concept artist show their concepts made for fun,this because for example,now i want model a space ship (for fun) but i am not so good doing concept & i need a concept made by someone good at that,the problem is that if i go on "google images" & search for "space ships concepts" for sure I end up modeling some concept made for some commercial stuff,like a movie or a game & for sure something that another 3d artist already modeled so i am doing again something made by someone else (the only difference is that my model for sure suck compared to the one made by the pro ) & maybe i am violating some copyright,so i go to jail :shifty:
So please,save me from jail (& The soaps) & tell me if this "concept artist community that make concept art for fun" exist

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