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[Revenue Share] Distant Souls Team seeking 3D Artists (Screenshots inside)

Team name:
Distant Souls Team. (Not registered)

Project name:
Distant Souls: Act I

Brief description:
We're developing a third-person, action-adventure game with gameplay mechanics and style which could be best described as in the middle between Assassin's Creed and Kingdom Hearts; playing in up to 3-member teams.
The story puts you in the body of 4 characters with tragic backgrounds in the pursuit of a dark being trying to take over the world. While the world is in a grim and sad state, the story will surround how people manages to overcome tragedies and find happiness, generosity and glimpses of humour.
The engine supports seamless day/night transitions, procedural clouds generation, HDR, SSAO, Water reflections/refractions. It has working multiplayer support (we still need to plan how it can blend in with the game mechanics smoothly for Co-op).
The project started around beginning 2010 in my spare time spending no more than 3 hours a week, until it became full time in January this year through March. We are looking for some 3D modelers, because it's that time. Most of the code is done, only minor tweaks and bug fixes take place, and the GUI needs work (we aim at HUD-less camera, though).
I've been doing all by myself (art, coding, story) but study has slowed me down and now I need talented individuals who can help me speeding up with the artistic side.
We're being driven by the philosophy "stay simple, stay small; for the longest possible time" which means any feature that gets too complicated or takes too long gets delayed to next iteration of the game. This allows us to focus on getting the game done; also within a reasonable schedule. The game is divided in 5 acts (similar to episodic content), which means it's planned every act to be an improvement over it's predecessors, not just a story follow up.
We're expecting to reach beta by the end of the year.

Target aim:
Paid Digital download only. We're aiming to reach to quality services with wide-reaching markets like Steam.
Retail if an offer appears, but it's not our goal.

Percentage based on profits.
Profit sharing will be determined upfront, determined by this contract (draft).

The intention/purpose of the contract is to avoid any misunderstanding, presented we're actually serious in getting the project finished, maintaining certain level of professionalism within the team. This is an indie game based on revenue sharing, therefore there is no point in keeping a draft of the contract terms secret.

Target system: PC, Windows only

Currently used technologies include:
  • C++, Visual Studio Express 2008
  • Ogre 1.8
  • Havok 7.10
  • Lua
  • OpenAL
  • Cg, Ogg Vorbis, libnoise, OIS, tolua++
  • Blender, GIMP
  • SVN, Tortoise SVN
  • Asio (networking)

Talent needed:
We're looking for at least one modeller, one texture artist, and one animator. Doesn't have to be 3 different people. If you can do all that stuff, that's great.
Be sure to read our Art Guidelines to know what kind of work is needed.

3D Modeler:
  • Excellent character modeling skills
  • Proficient creating low poly medieval, ancient, or arabian buildings
  • Creative, independent, motivated, disciplined. Able to follow art direction guidelines, as well as technical requirements.
  • Environmental art skills are a big plus (debris, ruble, pottery, boxes, leaves, straw, modeling of small items in general)

  • Able to make complex character animations. Candidate will deal with at least 28 different animations (main characters).
  • Able to make looped animations
  • Animations include idle, walk, run, jump, jump forward, attack, etc.
  • Animate both centered to the engine as well as animating (see Guidelines)
  • Facial animation skills is a plus ("pose"/"shape"/"vertex" key animations)
  • Experience with game engines is a plus
  • Candidate may be required to constantly interact between the animating tool and the game engine for tweaking.

Texture artist:
  • Able to follow technical specs (Resolution, formats)
  • Work will consist in creating Diffuse maps, normal maps, and occasionally specular maps.
  • Proficient creating normal maps. Knowledge of different creation techniques (non-exclusive)
  • Able to tile textures when required (non-exclusive)

The following are desired in candidates, but not exclusive:
  • Blender experience is a plus
  • Lua script knowledge is a plus

Currently all existing models (which aren't many) already have their animations. Therefore animator skills won't be used until the modeler finishes some of his/her models.
Nevertheless you can contact us if you're interested; we have a base model (natively modeled in Blender) with all working and tested animations, which can be used as a template or reference. You may want to try & experiment with it before getting into the real thing, and get to know how the animations can be customized inside the engine, etc.
We have a few building models which aren't textured yet, so that can start immediately.

All members may eventually need to use an SVN client (We recommend TortoiseSVN for Windows users).

Those interested send us an email at the address contact, containing a portfolio or previous works (i.e. a link to a website, CgSociety portfolio, deviantart account is fine) and expected profit percentage share.

Team structure:
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