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Tablet's USB ports broken

polycounter lvl 20
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shotgun polycounter lvl 20
This pretty much sums it up:


Anyone knows if:
a) Are these generic parts that be can obtained elsewhere?
b) If so, how r they called?


  • keres
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    keres polycounter lvl 12
    What model is this tablet?
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    If you can do it yourself, then do it, if not, just send it back. Looks like it took off a chunk of the PCB or is that the soldering material. Also, did it fall out or did you take it out (maybe you could have gotten a replacement from Wacom)?

    Do all models have two USB ports? And yes, that's a common/generic part.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    My intuos 4 broke as well, I got it in a bag in my closet :\

    They are call usb ports, you can find them online, but you need an expert solder-er
  • The Flying Monk
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    The Flying Monk polycounter lvl 18
    Looks like surface mounted mini-USB ports.
    If your going to try and re-solder these your self then you should unscrew your tablet and check the damage on the PCB.

    When surface mounted ports like this get ripped off, they can have a nasty habit of pulling up the metal tracks on the circuit board with them.

    But if the break looks clean and you (or your friendly repair tech) has a steady hand it should be pretty easy to put them back on.

    *Quick edit.

    I'm guessing its something like this.
  • shotgun
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    shotgun polycounter lvl 20
    Yes the soldering is all gonna be done by an elec. technician. I have neither the tools nor the skillz.

    Flying Monk: That's a gr8 website! and they actually ship to my country. However, I'm afraid the ports did tear-off the metal tracks (the brown "landing pads" shown in the img i posted). Is that irreversible? Is there any way to restore the metal tracks?
  • Elyaradine
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    Elyaradine polycounter lvl 11
    Hey, my USB port broke off too a little while ago. My Intuos4 was still under warranty, so I sent it in, and after some arguing with the distributor, got a replacement.

    There's an 8+ page thread on the Wacom Europe forums of people posting theirs breaking, and Wacom Europe claims that you can send it in under warranty if you wish.
  • The Flying Monk
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    The Flying Monk polycounter lvl 18
    Shotgun, It just makes it a tiny bit harder. Where the metal tracks connect to any component is a nice square of metal that you can solder on to. If the tracks have lifted then just scratch the coloured insulator layer back and solder on to the metal underneath.
    On the plus side it makes your internals look more ghetto and hacked together.
  • shotgun
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    shotgun polycounter lvl 20
    Elyaradine: I wasn't able to find that thread but Wacom Europe told me the same thing today (about sending it). It would just take for-ever

    Monk: lol. I'm all down for that. Glad to hear it can be fixed then, those elec. technicians get motivated when I tell them it's a hard job.

    Thanks for all the input guys!
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