im actually pretty psyched for this. something about the MW games as opposed to the WaW and Black Ops ones just caught my interest better. probably the fact that the stories are actually interesting and creative. tho i did hear something about MW3 and Battlefield 3 going to be released on the same day.. so people would have to choose between em.. if it comes to that i dont know which id get (yes i do... both).
and it sux that this game is putting up such stiff competition.. causing other games like Ghost Recon to be pushed back as to not have to deal with too many competitors.
Gotta say I am not having the same feeling toward this as I had toward MW2.
Looking forward to BF3 a hell of a lot more.
Would love to play Ghost Recon again, used to play the first one in some clan way back in the day and had a whale of a time.
I guess MW3 might sell itself - depending on how much of an upgrade to MW2 it is... and the dreaded server situation
Meh. Was pretty burned by the ridiculousness of MW2. Might get it for 360, if it has improved enough to buy another iteration. Still love the SP in MW1; seeing the nuke take off, damn. One of the coolest 'Oh S**T' moments in any game I've ever played.
Well im sold. Loved 1 and 2. Great fun single player experiences even if the story of 2 was dumb. Unlike Black Ops, MW2 still paced the game well even though it was on the edge of your seat madness. Hope they dont pull a Black Ops and go the whole edge of your seat the entire game because then it dosnt seem like any part of the game is truely epic.
Looks good and everything but I can't help but say it seems like the same damn thing...kind of getting bored with the whole multiplayer aspect. The story isn't really that great either. It does look pretty though!
This comment isn't for almighty_gir specifically, but his comment did spark the rant.
Yes, its going to have explosions.
And whack-a-mole combat.
And a story too contrived to properly follow.
Just like the other Call of Duties. Recycled? Sure.
But c'mon, is this really why you're not playing this game?
Zelda games are not that far different from one another.
Grand Theft Autos are based on the same core mechanics.
Gears of War, God of War, Starcraft, Command & Conquer, Sim Cities, the Civ games... all based around the same tried and true mechanics specific to those games.
And yet, here they are, being fun and played over and over.
So, please, stop shitting on this game for being the same 'recycled' game play. You make it just as easy to roll my eyes at the comment as it was for you to come up with the criticism.
Maybe CoD isn't for you. Maybe you don't enjoy modern combat themed games, and thats cool. But to go at a game for being 'recycled'? What a hypocritical comment for a gamer to make. So unless you only play the first iteration of any games in a series, shitting on CoD for being recycled is a pretty lame response to the announcement.
I personally find the idea of CoD games exciting in the same way that I enjoyed all four Die Hard movies, the Terminator series, and Transformer movies; Mindless, enjoyable action. Explosions! Gun fights! Swear words! BLOOD. I can typically sit down and run through them in a night or two. Also something I enjoy about them. I find the combat itself to be pretty fucking dull, but I don't mind. The kid in me loves the idea of playing the leading role in an action flick.
i like how hectic this looks. it's a total war feel and i hope that shows through the whole game. I am looking forward to big explosions, huge buildings being demolished and shooting.
I completely agree, and thank you for articulating it better than I could have.
I feel the same way about people who complain about there being too many games with space marines. You never hear the same complaint about there being too many games with elves or wizards. Haters gonna hate.
Anyway, this looks pretty legit. Even if it is a bit recycled, the technical and creative skill involved in creating experiences like that, and making it look great at the same time, is very impressive.
Aw cmon I expected a better response from fellow devs than the kids on kotaku.
At least some of you are digging it for what it is. This is CoD. Not bf3, not rainbow6, not whatever else people are constantly comparing it to.
Of course people are entitled to opinions but calling it shit because it's a cod game is a bit childish. This is the cod formula. I wouldnt expect gears, god of war, Starcraft, etc to change their formula too much because it's been fine tuned and it works. Complaining about visuals and story is one thing but I feel like most people are jumpin on the hatewagon just because it's the cool thing to do. In other words don't buy a car and hate it because it doesn't fly. It's a car not an airplane.
This comment isn't for almighty_gir specifically, but his comment did spark the rant.
Yes, its going to have explosions.
And whack-a-mole combat.
And a story too contrived to properly follow.
Just like the other Call of Duties. Recycled? Sure.
But c'mon, is this really why you're not playing this game?
Zelda games are not that far different from one another.
Grand Theft Autos are based on the same core mechanics.
Gears of War, God of War, Starcraft, Command & Conquer, Sim Cities, the Civ games... all based around the same tried and true mechanics specific to those games.
And yet, here they are, being fun and played over and over.
So, please, stop shitting on this game for being the same 'recycled' game play. You make it just as easy to roll my eyes at the comment as it was for you to come up with the criticism.
Maybe CoD isn't for you. Maybe you don't enjoy modern combat themed games, and thats cool. But to go at a game for being 'recycled'? What a hypocritical comment for a gamer to make. So unless you only play the first iteration of any games in a series, shitting on CoD for being recycled is a pretty lame response to the announcement.
I personally find the idea of CoD games exciting in the same way that I enjoyed all four Die Hard movies, the Terminator series, and Transformer movies; Mindless, enjoyable action. Explosions! Gun fights! Swear words! BLOOD. I can typically sit down and run through them in a night or two. Also something I enjoy about them. I find the combat itself to be pretty fucking dull, but I don't mind. The kid in me loves the idea of playing the leading role in an action flick.
Brink is the first shooter i've purchased since UT3. i only purchased UT3 so i could play with the editor.
in fact, i haven't purchased anything other than assassins creed 1, 2, and brotherhood in recent years. my girlfriend bought me FFXIII because i kept talking about "final fantasy" being good. and i think maybe gran turismo 5?
other than that i don't really buy or play games anymore, because i don't feel particularly inspired to do so.
you make the argument that looking forward to the next COD is like looking forward to the next die hard (back in the day, of course). which i completely disagree with. while i would agree that the overall theme remains constant in the series, there's a sense of character development you get in a movie series which isn't present in any FPS series, why? because you start each game "fresh", so to speak. couple that with the fact that as long as games like this are getting pumped out, the industry continues to stagnate, and there's quite a problem.
even then, using your own example, i'm sure you can think of movie franchises which have outgrown themselves, and you find yourself thinking after the second, or third, that it should "just end". remember Scream? i wished that was over after watching the first one, and now they're dragging out a fourth. what about all of the crappy spoof spinoffs from the wayan brothers? how many of those did it take you watching before you decided "you know what? it really is just the same shit over and over".
i'm not saying don't enjoy these games. that's your right, your perogative. but i DO feel that recycled games filling up the store shelves hurts our industry from a creative, and innovative point of view.
how can i put it in a way that might make you understand my viewpoint...
okay... here goes: convince me to spend £40 every 9 months or so for recycled content, story, and gameplay. when i can just stick to the first one? i get no MORE fun out of the newer ones, and no LESS fun out of the older ones.
how can i put it in a way that might make you understand my viewpoint...
okay... here goes: convince me to spend £40 every 9 months or so for recycled content, story, and gameplay. when i can just stick to the first one? i get no MORE fun out of the newer ones, and no LESS fun out of the older ones.
how can i put it in a way that might make you understand this viewpoint....
you have said you have only purchased Brink since UT3 so clearly you have not played a single MW game. Yet you judge its content, and game play as recycled when you in fact have not a clue what is in the game beyond a few videos, peoples thoughts and reviews you might have seen. You have no more clue as to the experience and content of those games as someone who has seen a movie trailer and "knows" what that movie is and "knows" that the sequel must be full of "recycled" shit.
I have played both Modern Warfare games and Black Ops, although the games share the same name and same genre of FPS they are different games and are far from just "recycled" games. Yes they are all FPS's so inherently they are the same as EVER FPS. You shoot people with guns and they die. Each game introduced new areas to explore, new mission types and new gameplay. Each game brought new elements to the table and yes brought back popular type of gameplay senerious such as a Sniper level and the one where you rain death down in the AC130. But guess what? They did that because those are VERY popular and people really enjoy them. Why should they not included a new fresh take on gameplay elements that were popular in the games before them?
Innovating for the sake of innovating is foolish and game developers know this.
Clearly this game is not for you and yet you still dump on it as "recycled" when you base that entirely off hear say.
edit: hmmm I sound like a super dick in this post which was not my intention. Hope I didnt hurt anyones feelings . I just dont like it when people judge things when they have never played/done them
Well, I'm gonna play it.. But I gotta stand a bit behind Gir, the team that originally created Modern Warfare(the first) made an awesome shooter that stood out from the rest because there was a well written story, there was great character development and some very cool twists in the plot.. Now, between Modern Warfare 1 and 2, something must have happened. In Modern warfare 2 nearly every character you play has the same story line and the same thing happens to them(Yeah it might be spoilers, but come on, the game is old) in the end. It wasnt near as compelling as the first, and now its a totally new team trying to recreate the same once again? I gotta say I'm a bit skeptic about MW3.
how can i put it in a way that might make you understand this viewpoint....
you have said you have only purchased Brink since UT3 so clearly you have not played a single MW game. Yet you judge its content, and game play as recycled when you in fact have not a clue what is in the game beyond a few videos, peoples thoughts and reviews you might have seen. You have no more clue as to the experience and content of those games as someone who has seen a movie trailer and "knows" what that movie is and "knows" that the sequel must be full of "recycled" shit.
because i don't have friends, and have never had access to any game to make my decisions. right?
I can't put my finger on it but I enjoyed 1 more than 2, even though 2 was more 'epic'. 1 felt like I could get behind the characters and story, in 2 most of the time I just felt 'what??' at what was going on.
Any cod after mw1 seems like they are almost just following a checklist for the single player and they have forgotten how to make a good game and they are just copying bits from the earlier cods and are half heartily piecing them together in a less then coherent way. Not much to fault the multi-player although some new fresh ideas to shack up the formula a bit would be nice.
Also a little bit more polish before they release a trailer might be needed
@Surfa: omg I was just about to post the same image! lol. This is WIP game, BUT this is a little dumb to show something so obvious in a reveal trailer!?
I love MW and I am really looking forward to finally playing in my own country for a change! Crysis 2 was an amazing game but I am very sick of US based maps which kind of made the whole game boring! GTA creates fictional cities but they are all based on America. Developers are stuggling these days to keep gamers engaged and are constantly trying to create something new...But they keep setting their games in the same locations!!! New York, Manhatten, LA, Wasshington ZzZzZzzz...We all know Rockstar need to make a remake of their classic GTA: London! But yeah, Call of Duty keeps catching my interest as it seems to be the only game not set in America or the middle east.
And btw, im sure Modern Warfare is the wrong name for this now. It's become a fictional game based in the future..
definition of MODERN "Of or relating to the present or recent times as opposed to the remote past"
how can i put it in a way that might make you understand this viewpoint....
edit: hmmm I sound like a super dick in this post which was not my intention. Hope I didnt hurt anyones feelings . I just dont like it when people judge things when they have never played/done them
I never played any of the CoD games but I don't begrudge anyone else playing it. If I was working in the FPS genre I'd definitely pick it up to familiarize myself with it.
I loved 1 and thought 2 was too far fetched. but it was great the theatrics of it all getting capt price back was awesome.
but this annyed me in the new reveal trailer..
sorry but you cant shoot down an Mi 35 with a minigun from a blackhawk. the gunner in the Mi35 would have spotted the blackhawk and rinsed it before it could get close..
BFBC2 SP had a similar thing that was annoying as hell..
rolf, don't be silly. MW is a realistic simulation of war in the world of slapstick. The hind's gunner had probably slipped on a banana peel before takeoff and the pilot didn't notice he was missing.
I'm gonna like it when the same people circle jerking each other over this game complain in some other thread about how lame the new Transformers movie is when it comes out.
I personally find the idea of CoD games exciting in the same way that I enjoyed all four Die Hard movies, the Terminator series, and Transformer movies; Mindless, enjoyable action. Explosions! Gun fights! Swear words! BLOOD. I can typically sit down and run through them in a night or two. Also something I enjoy about them. I find the combat itself to be pretty fucking dull, but I don't mind. The kid in me loves the idea of playing the leading role in an action flick.
the first 2 terminators and the first die hard werent all that mindless and shallow imo.
Idk thats my guess.
and it sux that this game is putting up such stiff competition.. causing other games like Ghost Recon to be pushed back as to not have to deal with too many competitors.
Looking forward to BF3 a hell of a lot more.
Would love to play Ghost Recon again, used to play the first one in some clan way back in the day and had a whale of a time.
I guess MW3 might sell itself - depending on how much of an upgrade to MW2 it is... and the dreaded server situation
MW3 Reveal Trailer.
I dig it.
Edit: Whoops somebody already posted in another thread. Failure on my part.
good job to all involved!
Yes, its going to have explosions.
And whack-a-mole combat.
And a story too contrived to properly follow.
Just like the other Call of Duties. Recycled? Sure.
But c'mon, is this really why you're not playing this game?
Zelda games are not that far different from one another.
Grand Theft Autos are based on the same core mechanics.
Gears of War, God of War, Starcraft, Command & Conquer, Sim Cities, the Civ games... all based around the same tried and true mechanics specific to those games.
And yet, here they are, being fun and played over and over.
So, please, stop shitting on this game for being the same 'recycled' game play. You make it just as easy to roll my eyes at the comment as it was for you to come up with the criticism.
Maybe CoD isn't for you. Maybe you don't enjoy modern combat themed games, and thats cool. But to go at a game for being 'recycled'? What a hypocritical comment for a gamer to make. So unless you only play the first iteration of any games in a series, shitting on CoD for being recycled is a pretty lame response to the announcement.
I personally find the idea of CoD games exciting in the same way that I enjoyed all four Die Hard movies, the Terminator series, and Transformer movies; Mindless, enjoyable action. Explosions! Gun fights! Swear words! BLOOD. I can typically sit down and run through them in a night or two. Also something I enjoy about them. I find the combat itself to be pretty fucking dull, but I don't mind. The kid in me loves the idea of playing the leading role in an action flick.
btw, its looking really ace, guys at infinity ward know their craft.
I completely agree, and thank you for articulating it better than I could have.
I feel the same way about people who complain about there being too many games with space marines. You never hear the same complaint about there being too many games with elves or wizards. Haters gonna hate.
Anyway, this looks pretty legit. Even if it is a bit recycled, the technical and creative skill involved in creating experiences like that, and making it look great at the same time, is very impressive.
Also, the WW3 logo turning into MW3 blew my mind.
At least some of you are digging it for what it is. This is CoD. Not bf3, not rainbow6, not whatever else people are constantly comparing it to.
Of course people are entitled to opinions but calling it shit because it's a cod game is a bit childish. This is the cod formula. I wouldnt expect gears, god of war, Starcraft, etc to change their formula too much because it's been fine tuned and it works. Complaining about visuals and story is one thing but I feel like most people are jumpin on the hatewagon just because it's the cool thing to do. In other words don't buy a car and hate it because it doesn't fly. It's a car not an airplane.
Brink is the first shooter i've purchased since UT3. i only purchased UT3 so i could play with the editor.
in fact, i haven't purchased anything other than assassins creed 1, 2, and brotherhood in recent years. my girlfriend bought me FFXIII because i kept talking about "final fantasy" being good. and i think maybe gran turismo 5?
other than that i don't really buy or play games anymore, because i don't feel particularly inspired to do so.
you make the argument that looking forward to the next COD is like looking forward to the next die hard (back in the day, of course). which i completely disagree with. while i would agree that the overall theme remains constant in the series, there's a sense of character development you get in a movie series which isn't present in any FPS series, why? because you start each game "fresh", so to speak. couple that with the fact that as long as games like this are getting pumped out, the industry continues to stagnate, and there's quite a problem.
even then, using your own example, i'm sure you can think of movie franchises which have outgrown themselves, and you find yourself thinking after the second, or third, that it should "just end". remember Scream? i wished that was over after watching the first one, and now they're dragging out a fourth. what about all of the crappy spoof spinoffs from the wayan brothers? how many of those did it take you watching before you decided "you know what? it really is just the same shit over and over".
i'm not saying don't enjoy these games. that's your right, your perogative. but i DO feel that recycled games filling up the store shelves hurts our industry from a creative, and innovative point of view.
how can i put it in a way that might make you understand my viewpoint...
okay... here goes: convince me to spend £40 every 9 months or so for recycled content, story, and gameplay. when i can just stick to the first one? i get no MORE fun out of the newer ones, and no LESS fun out of the older ones.
They're both popular series that build on bringing more of the same formula to its fanbase.
Next thing you'll tell me halo is all recycled shit, I mean, it is the popular belief of the crowd that doesn't enjoy a particular game.
how can i put it in a way that might make you understand this viewpoint....
you have said you have only purchased Brink since UT3 so clearly you have not played a single MW game. Yet you judge its content, and game play as recycled when you in fact have not a clue what is in the game beyond a few videos, peoples thoughts and reviews you might have seen. You have no more clue as to the experience and content of those games as someone who has seen a movie trailer and "knows" what that movie is and "knows" that the sequel must be full of "recycled" shit.
I have played both Modern Warfare games and Black Ops, although the games share the same name and same genre of FPS they are different games and are far from just "recycled" games. Yes they are all FPS's so inherently they are the same as EVER FPS. You shoot people with guns and they die. Each game introduced new areas to explore, new mission types and new gameplay. Each game brought new elements to the table and yes brought back popular type of gameplay senerious such as a Sniper level and the one where you rain death down in the AC130. But guess what? They did that because those are VERY popular and people really enjoy them. Why should they not included a new fresh take on gameplay elements that were popular in the games before them?
Innovating for the sake of innovating is foolish and game developers know this.
Clearly this game is not for you and yet you still dump on it as "recycled" when you base that entirely off hear say.
edit: hmmm I sound like a super dick in this post which was not my intention. Hope I didnt hurt anyones feelings
because i don't have friends, and have never had access to any game to make my decisions. right?
4 was still the best
Also a little bit more polish before they release a trailer might be needed
I love MW and I am really looking forward to finally playing in my own country for a change! Crysis 2 was an amazing game but I am very sick of US based maps which kind of made the whole game boring! GTA creates fictional cities but they are all based on America. Developers are stuggling these days to keep gamers engaged and are constantly trying to create something new...But they keep setting their games in the same locations!!! New York, Manhatten, LA, Wasshington ZzZzZzzz...We all know Rockstar need to make a remake of their classic GTA: London! But yeah, Call of Duty keeps catching my interest as it seems to be the only game not set in America or the middle east.
And btw, im sure Modern Warfare is the wrong name for this now. It's become a fictional game based in the future..
definition of MODERN "Of or relating to the present or recent times as opposed to the remote past"
YES +1
but this annyed me in the new reveal trailer..
sorry but you cant shoot down an Mi 35 with a minigun from a blackhawk. the gunner in the Mi35 would have spotted the blackhawk and rinsed it before it could get close..
BFBC2 SP had a similar thing that was annoying as hell..
some good cinematic style single player trailer
the first 2 terminators and the first die hard werent all that mindless and shallow imo.