Hey everyone, I've been wracking my brains about how to separate the concave and convex (dark and light) areas of a cavity map in Photoshop. Im talking about a map such as you get from the 'normal to cavity' filter in xNormal with dark and light areas on a grey base colour.
Ya....was gonna say, xNormal has curvature / convexity / cavity map baking abilities. Use'em!
Interesting. So, you can use the curvature map to mask out your cavity mask? I'll have to try that.
If you bake a curvature map in XN it shades the Concave areas in red and the convex areas in green.
You can copy and paste the green and red channels into their own layers and you get a cavity and convexity mask.
Edit: Wow! That works so well. Thanks a ton man.