I usually click on these threads and they look freaking awesome, way better than MY first stuff.... so why do they even justify that it's their first when it doesn't even look that bad? maybe we're supposed to congratulate them for doing such an good job for something that they just did for the first time? Do they want a medal?
But I do agree with you, opening a thread titled "my first game model!" that looks totally kick ass is a bit annoying. I think they know its awesome and are just looking for back slaps. Even worse when they add something like, "go easy on me, I'm new".
Also people who say how young they are, like it makes a difference to anyone. Hoping for remarks like, "wow! you're first model?! and you're only 12?! you'll go far kid!" then they just sit there in their chairs feeling smug with a dumb grin on their face.
Now look what you've done, you made me dwell on this and soiled my mood.
"Hope this isn't too noobie of a gun!"
What kind of comments where you waiting for with that title? Seems to me that its exactly the same as saying "My First...."
This thread should be called "My first blog"
P.s. Expect Cat gifs.
I think its time to end this rant and put it down to a perplexed state of mind.
Isn't "My First blah blah" essentially the same thing?
But is it really necessary to say to say it's your first work, when it looks rather great? I remember my first work, it wasn't nearly as great as what most people post around here as their first!
The only bit I'm against is going and saying it's your first when it looks rather well!
Come to think of it, I think I did an 'ok' job with my first zbrush character, a soldier with futuristic x-com armor. But why would I go and say it's my first anything? I've done tons of work with other 3d software, sure, so it came out rather well for a first character, but does that matter? I just wanted critique, so that's what I asked for!
It's your last... what.
*warning, noodz*
he doesn't type
the whole
like this.
hahaha, which ones?
I know what you mean :poly142:, but I never said it was my last, just not my first!
Take in consideration that this if my first time making a meme so please shower me with critique, k?
I picture this in reverse.
Well, yeah, I agree with that too, but I don't mind so much if some kid is doing good even if he's young! Because maybe he's 12 but he's been giving it a try since he was 10 or 9, and by the time he's a young teenager he has already developed some good skill. I think it's great if someone is getting good at 3d modelling at young age.
But when I come across with the 'hey guys, this is my first thing EVER!', what am I supposed to think? if it's your first try... keep trying! If it's too bad to show, it doesn't matter. But the point is that it's not even the case, these first <something> threads usually holds art that's not what I would have guessed to be a first try, usually they're rather good! Which brings me to think they're kind of bragging!
jesus christ. Obsessed much?
Hahahaha! those were the times...
This GIF still makes me lamayo. Hilarious.
God damnit! XD
Had the tune of this stuck in my head all freaking day, now!