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BRAWL - Fighter Submissions - Voting begins Friday, May 13th 2011

polycounter lvl 20
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adam polycounter lvl 20

Please take the time to review ALL submitted entries. This will take a few minutes, but the effort will be worth it.

Voting for Fighters for the Brawl Tournament will begin on Friday, May 13th 2011.

Voting for Fighters for the Brawl Tournament will end on Tuesday, May 17th at 9AM PST.

Voting for this contest is only open to Polycount Community members.

Voting results are hidden from public view.

The votes you cast will determine the Polycount Communities favourite Top 8 fighters. These fighters will then be sent to our judges who will determine the Top 3 winners of the Brawl Tournament.

The judges will be announced on Monday, May 16th with the winners being announced shortly thereafter.

You may vote for whichever fighter you wish. Whether its your favourite entry, favourite fighter (of all time!), or just someone you think deserves to win best on personal growth and execution they showed in their WIP thread it is entirely up to you.[/color]

I am a bonehead and in my fanaggaling of adding in those who had technical difficulties submiting I too had a technical difficulty: Deleting this thread to the point of no restore. Amazing. I am so happy with my self right now.

With that, I have to ask that everyone who's submitted a fighter for this competition please resubmit their entry to this thread. Thank you. Now to go check where the hell I left my brain. I will keep this thread open until all entries are resubmitted (I have the number written down of how many we had submitted). If any one misses this, I'll move them in properly this time without completely deleting the thread.


Submitting & Presenting your Entry:
When it comes time to submit your entry, there will be 1 single thread for you to post your submission images to per category (One thread for FIGHTERS, one thread for STAGES). When it’s time, you will post your contest submission images in that thread. Your submission images will be as follows:
FIGHTERS (character artists):
  • Create a reply in the FIGHTERS SUBMISSION thread. State your FIGHTER’s name, the game they appeared in, and include an image of that original FIGHTER from that chosen game. From there, you will include your submission images:
  • Include the URL to your WIP thread.
  • You will submit 2 beauty shots, 1 ‘comp image’, 1 ’spec image’ and 1 texture image for your texture passes.
    • Beauty Shot #1 and #2
      • Must be on an a 1680


This discussion has been closed.