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polycounter lvl 12
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Lord Fryingpan polycounter lvl 12
I'm working with my schoolmates to create a small video game, and we need to import animations created with 3dsMax into XNA.

It looks like XNA only takes FBX, with a very strict bone hierarchy. I've done all that, but XNA states it doesn't get skinning data (I used the skin modfier in max if that's any help.)

Any idea ?


  • cryrid
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    cryrid interpolator
    I'm not familiar with Max's terminology or its FBX exporter, but if you're having no luck perhaps you could export to another format that supports everything you need and then run that through Autodesk's FBX Converter?
  • Mark Dygert
    It could be that the skin modifier is set to allow too many bones to influence verts? It defaults to 20 bones and most games cap out at allowing 4 bone weights per vert. You should try turning that down to 4 or 3 and export again and see how it goes. there might be another step involved in removing execces bone weights from verts... I remember some setting like remove zero weights or weights under a certain threshold (not in front of max right now so hard to remember)...

    That's really the only thing I can think of, but there might be other funky technical limitations that I don't know about.
  • Lord Fryingpan
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    Lord Fryingpan polycounter lvl 12
    That's unfortunate, because I have exactly 19 bones, and each vertex is bound to only one of them.

    I'll try supresing weight zero though.
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