Depends where you want to work later. Lots of Arch-Viz people use Sketchup because its fast.
If you aim for games you could start with it too to get a sense of the technical stuff. But getting a poly modelling tool like 3dsmax, modo or maya will give you an indepth look.
hawken: i agree not for modelling purposes, but I could see it being used in gaming like sketchup sometimes is, for fast block in or creating a base for paintovers.
edit: at 417 meg its fairly beefy.. hoping for something reasonably substantial here.. still downloading
yessssssss. One that paints colors too!
Pretty simple, reminds me of SketchUp.
Possibly something for beginners to get their head around 3D creation?
Actually, filling an ever increasing niche.
Read about this on ponoko a while back. Shapeways and ponoko need all the new orders we can give 'em!
If you aim for games you could start with it too to get a sense of the technical stuff. But getting a poly modelling tool like 3dsmax, modo or maya will give you an indepth look.
also max 2009 cant import the exported .dwgs