Is it just me or do other people notice how dark and featureless the shadows on a lot of xbox360 games are? Is this a design choice or is it hardware or is it to do with hdri lighting? I just thought people might be able to explain this to me because personally I find it makes games look really bad and in some situations eg in skate 2 or just cause 2 it makes it really hard to play because everything just becomes this dark homogenous silhouetted mess when the camera turns to face the light source.
I did a quick paintover by just adjusting the levels and saturation in forza 3 to show what I mean. Surely the game should look like the second image in this gif that is lighter and more detailed and colourful? why doesnt it look this way? where is the ambient lighting etc?
I guess you can see it in the latest Mass Effect 2 comparison videos as well
While X360 handles alphas better the PS3 tends to have an edge in lighting, but then again I'm not completely sure since I haven't worked on a multi-platform title. Only PS3-exclusives so far ^^
Maybe someone knows about the technical side.
There are no "shadows are darker on xbox360", there are just differences in values between the platforms that has to be adjusted if you want a specific level of 'anything'
And then you have to take different tv-sets into consideration, if you're working on an unreal engine game and tweaking your settings on a pc, you're not going to get the exact same values when running it on the consoles and on a tv.
Interesting points guys, although I dont want this to become an "xbox vs ps3" debate. If you look at the gif I posted the difference between my edited version with better shadows and the original screenshot is huge, I fail to see how hardware could effect the game so much when all I did was bump the levels up in those shadowed areas. I would expect minor subtle differences in colours and shadows between devices and TVs but these shadows in forza 3 and many other games are almost completely black and devoid of nearly all detail, surely theres no excuse for that or is it some technical drawback of our current lighting techniques? Seems a shame to not be able to see the art in such beautiful games :P
I've also noticed it tends to crush black levels, giving an overall more contrasty look etc.
The ps3 also defaults to a limited colour range which reduces the blacks.