Just curious as to how some of you grab screenshots of your work. I see a lot of high-res, large screenshots of desktops and WIP in 3ds Max or what have you, and whenever I PrntScrn and paste in to Paint or Photoshop and upload my image, its all small and low res.
I'd check your image host for a 'no downsizing' option as well as the size of the screenshot in Photoshop.
and printscreen can olny get the same res as your display, but if your working in udk you can use the tiledshot command to take higher than display res images.
doesn't downsize a screenshot and has some handy features you don't get with dropbox.
got a little python app that does a printscreen, saves it in my dropbox public and copys the URL to clipboard with 1 key press
I used photobucket and it resizes your photos if your not a pro user.
I just hate imageshack for being slow and obnoxious. Dropbox sounds cool but if you're an outsourcer in China it's useless because it's blocked.
Also, depends, if you're Viewport capturing from Max and Maya packages, you can get scripts to do the job for you and/or use Grab Viewport under tools sections.
You could also render...
When I use this script to make a screenshot, I also make a copy of the material and set all the diffuse components to fully self-illuminated white, and make the background black. You can then just swap between the two materials whenever you need to re-render.
You can also just render a proper alpha, using the render elements function in Max, although I have found that sometimes this doesn't match up 100% with the screengrab, and is shifted a pixel or two out.