You've got some nice stuff going on in here. Those creatures especially so. Good sense of depth in the environments and nice rendering all around. Much better than I can do
Just a quick crit on the van tho, some of your perspective lines seem to be trailing off in different directions. The front bumper in particular seems to be skewed along the right side with the bottom line of the bumper being almost flat and then an elongated molding leading up to the light to compensate for the distance.
you have a really cool stuff here and on your site!
great skills
Some new sketches and speed paint
Just a quick crit on the van tho, some of your perspective lines seem to be trailing off in different directions. The front bumper in particular seems to be skewed along the right side with the bottom line of the bumper being almost flat and then an elongated molding leading up to the light to compensate for the distance.
Another speed landscape