hey guys, so I'm checking out modo at the moment. I'm a bit confused with the materials and could use a bit of help-
it looks like I need to specify a uv set in the material properties (texture locator panel). So, my question is how do I have one material applied to several objects with different UVs, if I have to specify one UV set in the material?
am I seeing this completely wrong?
But generally my UVs have the same name so it isn't a problem for me.
would you mind writing the steps you take when applying one diffuse textured material to two objects? thanks!
ok I'm beginning to understand: I see that if uv sets have the same name it lumps them together in the selection list. my imported objects had uv sets automatically named after themselves, so they were all different. I can live with naming my uv sets the same
1. Select obj1
2. Press M, apply material
3. Select obj2
4. Press M, apply same material
Oh, I guess there are some steps to actually make it a texture material. To add a texture to the material just.. uhm:
1. Open up Shader Tree
2. Find the material group you applied
3. Then press Add Layer > Image Map > Load Image (or new Image if you want to paint one in modo)
4. Make sure the image node is parented under the material group.
Note that the ordering matters since they tried to make it work like Photoshop layers.
Hope this helps... I'm a little at loss on what to tell you though. Haha.
Well, maybe you are trying to do something I don't do...
In the same way that if you applied a texture in a Max material and told it to use UV1, it would use the first UV channel of all the meshes you apply the material to.
Also, I find it easier to just drag+drop the image from the Images tab straight onto the model. It'll add it in as an image map to whichever material is applied to the polygon you drop it on. Saves all the dicking around with adding an image map via the menus and sticking it into the correct material in the shader tree.