Check this out: WoW is actually losing players. The lowest it has been since 2008.!5800175/world-of-warcraft-suffers-post+cataclysmic-drop-in-subscriptions
So what do you guys think? Is this just the player count finding an equilibrium after the new expansion, or are people finally getting tired of it? Do you think another expansion will set a new record amount of players like Cataclysm did?
Personally, I find it funny so many people run around calling every other MMO, "The WoW Killer" when it's pretty clear the only company that can kill WoW is Blizzard... Which many seem to think they are doing perfectly well.
That being said, I have to agree with you too PatrickL, I canceled my subscription because I had my fill after the expansion lost its interest for me. I am sure I'm not the only one either. The only company that will end up taking down WoW is Blizzard, when their new MMO comes out, but knowing how long Blizzard works on games we may see it in the next 20 years.
It's probably just some fluctuation for now. But eventually numbers will go down. But there's no surprise in that, or else Blizz could fire everyone and stop caring about the future.