Hello! i'm quite new at the forum, hope u guys can help me with a oppinion, i was thinking about tattooing something about my profession (3D Artist), so i decided to make a gizmo, u guys think is a good ideia to represent 3D?!! it will be in my left wrist, what do u think? i have attached the image... after the tattoo done, i will post here, any other ideias will be very welcome hahaa
Personally, it isnt a good idea to just go with the Gizmo of Maya. Infact, it isnt a good idea to use any tool for skin tattoo. However, if you wish to have something relates to your profession I'd suggest that you should have a rectangle mar-key selecting an object in its center. The Object can be anything from a primitive poly sphere to a detailed mesh.
I think what represent 3d more accurately are primitives, like a cube, sphere or cone, showing their wireframes. You could try a composition with them.
Yer for sure man, tattoos are a personal investment - so dont be swayed to get a design because someone else thinks its cool. Of course you can take crits!
Ive drawn and designed half of mine, and let the tattooist add his style or corrections to work with tattooing.
For me personally, ill never tattoo a companies symbol on me. Unless its my own.
Although I think the gizmo is a cool idea.
seriously though, get what you want.
thanks for the ideias, it's very nice =]
If say, about 10 years from now, you look at that tat, will you appreciate it for what it represents or not?
should have that all over!
got myself a Lightwave logo on my right shoulder..
maya and motionbuilder user now..... *sigh*
YOU are the one getting something permanently inked into your skin. only YOU should like it.
Maybe if somehow my family was dying but I got a job as a 3d artist and they survived because of the money... We all have our stories, if you want one be told by a tattoo then thats cool.
Every software does have the grid or the wireframe though.
Can they not make skin coloured tatoos, so you could be the only one that knows its there(and no problem with it getting old and looking rubbish)?
If polycount didn't have a Signature limit, I would so put that in my Siggy!