Hsien-Ko from Darkstalkers re-imagined as a librarian.
As always, real life got in the way, and caused me to to forget that I had to retopo some of her to get within the polycount - I was over a thousand over and still hadn't added her sister as an MP3 player, so hopefully the lack of limits in P&P will let me finish her. I spent too long writing shaders too!
Body: -
Wool and satin:
Wool, linen, rather bad leather and brushed metal:
Linen, tights and more bad leather:
Satin and shiny brushed metal:
Also I get to fix the glasses and the hideous belt!
All screenshots rendered in realtime (approx 250+fps on a Radeon 5750) in the Unity engine.
Hsien-ko (Lei Lei) and Darkstalkers belong to Capcom Co, Ltd, and will be removed on request.
Edit: this was also my first character model since the Quake 2 days, so that was 90s too
In the meantime I have spent a lot of my time being a mathematician, so of course I focused on writing complex anisotropic and subsurface scattering shaders (although they could use a lot of work too), when I should have been brushing up on the modelling side. Hopefully I can rectify that, as I do enjoy doing this, when I am able.
Just keep on doing tutorials
I'd suggest xcloud's korean-only SM_tuto_p1.pdf which helped me immensely by staring at pictures showing some fine edgeloopery, but...... the internet no longer has it
if you're diving into learning modeling again i personally wouldn't want to go into highpoly - do some 1000-4000 poly stuff first. I feel there's a gap between a world of q2mdlr.exe here
Konstruct - I really enjoy writing shaders, and am really interested in how light affects materials, from a mathematical point of view, so I will be continuing to study that, especially as I can do that when I'm not able to do modelling (which is most of the time). Plus there is the old-school programmer's challenge of it, in trying to get an effect into as few instructions as possible so it'll run on older hardware almost as well as modern stuff.
Again, thank you all for your encouragement!
As for shaders, Unity now has the Strumpy Shader Editor, which I believe makes Unity's shaders more like UDK's, but I prefer coding them myself - just the way my brain works, I suppose.