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What happened to this place?!

Hi! I am a programmer who isn't very good at 3d modelling. I've been playing around with skeletal animation lately, and that generally requires a rigged model. Now, back in the day, I used to come to Polycount as a resource for MD3 models. These were Quake III custom models for use online, so that you could play matches as characters from the Simpsons or Mario or whatever else. MD3 models are not rigged, however, and at the time I just used them for vertex based animation. Whatever. The point was, this place was an absolute treasure trove of free character models, fully animated and whatnot.

So, i left the vertex animation scene for awhile, and now I'm back. This time, however, I'm looking for rigged models. I was hoping to see the same bastion of free artwork that I'd been amazed by before, but instead I find a community of 3D artists? Interesting.

I've looked through the BRAWL submissions, and a lot of that stuff is amazing. I was so hoping to download a number of those models, but I understand that most people don't like giving away their hard work for free. Is there any repository around here for models though? Anything I can download and play with?
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