Hey guys , i need to bake ao in maya. I have the normal baked etc, but i cant find any efficient way to render ao in maya and i am trying to export to xnormal,but unfortunately the results in ao come different ( it misaligns from maya normal ) is there any format or any way to achieve a decent maya ao bake in xnormal or ithin maya ? maya 200864bits and maya 2009 32 bits here.
Usually, if the whole object is smooth then the bakes are naturally aligned between Maya and XN. But as soon as you use hard edges/split UVs on the low, XN starts to bend the projection direction differently.
(if I remember correctly! Correct me if I'm wrong)
I use both way to bake ao, then combine them accordingly in PS.
Apply this to all your high poly meshes, then go to lighting/rendering, batch bake (mental) ray and use bake set override.
Set color mode to 'Light and Color' then pick your texture sizes. This bakes the AO into a texture for each high poly mesh. You can then use transfer maps and bake this across as diffuse for the AO when you bake your normal maps too. As the information is in the texture you can also do the bakes in parts and retain all the lighting information.
Hope that helps.
Now Joao, we've used this workflow before and it should be documented on the 3PS forum, really, you just need to "Smooth Normals" before you export your obj to XN to bake, this should result in about 98% accuracy, and any little problems you can paint out. So i'm a little confused why you're having trouble here, if its like a real specific mesh that is causing problems, hit me up on skype.
Gordo Nino