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ingame lightning in Mudbox ?

polycounter lvl 9
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jimpaw polycounter lvl 9

Right now i am doing some nextgen assets with normalmaps in Mudbox. I am using the projection paint tools to paint the texture.The problem is that its really hard to get a lightning that resembles an ingame lightning in Mudbox. offcourse it cant be exact but it look so damn wierd in Mudbox. I dont want to texture in flat light either. any ideas ?


  • tristamus
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    tristamus polycounter lvl 9
    Have you tried playing with the different material types to choose from in Mudbox? There are also the ambient occlusion filters, and etc.
  • jimpaw
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    jimpaw polycounter lvl 9
    i have, cant say i have found anything usefull there. ambient occlution filters look like shit.
    thanks alot man anyway.
  • oglu
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    oglu polycount lvl 666
    are you using mud 2012..? the changed the lighting in mud... its now much brighter...
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    - Create image based light, use the default env texture, play with intensity ;
    - Create additional directional lights, play with intensities ;
    - If necessary, play with the tone mapper filter.
    - If still looking damn weird, start over again !
  • jimpaw
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    jimpaw polycounter lvl 9
    Perna, if i paint a texture in photoshop and assign it on my model inside max or maya it will look almost the same. Just better becouse of the shader. This is not the case in mudbox. As oglu am saying its to dark and it doesnt look like anything you whould see in a game, or at least portfolio stuff. Maybe its
    Me who suck at lightning ( probably ) but perhaps you could give me a suggestion on some settings that can make the scene look like better.
  • jimpaw
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    jimpaw polycounter lvl 9
    oglu wrote: »
    are you using mud 2012..? the changed the lighting in mud... its now much brighter...

    I whould love to get my hands on the 2012 version.it looks so cool with maya navigation controls.i am glad to hear that they have changed the lightning. The (ptex ?) part looks really cool to. But to answer you question i am using the 2011 version. Thanks man.
  • jimpaw
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    jimpaw polycounter lvl 9
    pior wrote: »
    - Create image based light, use the default env texture, play with intensity ;
    - Create additional directional lights, play with intensities ;
    - If necessary, play with the tone mapper filter.
    - If still looking damn weird, start over again !

    Alright thanks pior. I will try that.
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