Hey everyone, just wanted to share that the company I started a good couple of months back (Mind Factory Studios) just announced it's first game. Here is a little blurb about it. Hope you guys dig it!
We are Mind Factory Studios, a new indie game company made up of a bunch of friends making games we enjoy playing. We just announced our first title and would love if you could shout it out for us as well!
It is called: Little City
Little City is a logic puzzle game using a retro art style and includes 100 puzzles! Difficulties range from easy to extremely hard. Can you find the right path?
Little City is planned to be released in 2011 on iOS devices and PC.

Here are the promo images of the game that are also on Mind Factory Studios' Facebook Page. More images and videos are coming soon with hopefully a playable demo!
Thank you for your time,
Mind Factory Studios
p.s. Like the Facebook Page!
Good luck further on guys!
couple notes for me:
your presentation could use a little polish (everything is screaming for attention in bright yellow) and most of all:
hate that font!! I assume those numbers are important, but they're really not legible.. something a bit bolder and cuter would work better imo.
anyway, keep at it!
congrats on the new game.
You guys just made my day!
Let me know what you think!
hope it does well!
you guys have twitter? (just noticed your sig- do you use that or is there one for the game?)
That's my personal twitter but its also the companies. For the most part you will get me saying things about the game or what we are currently working on. Pretty much just like the blog.
I am pretty happy with the end result and am glad for all the lessons we learned during this games development. Now to put those lessons into action!
That aside, congrats on the release.
@gilesruscoe - Thanks a lot! This is the first game for most of the guys on the team so it's a pretty exciting thing. We are all excited and ready to get started on the next one!
Thanks again Polycount for being so awesome and encouraging!