Hi all
The title explains it all, where are they?... I have seen tutorials specifically about UDK but not much on creating an environment or part of one,start to finish using 3Ds Max.
I would just like to see the process that goes into making things modular and reusing them, and some of the baking processes within Max. I can piece together the tutorials I do have but it seems odd that I can't find anything comprehensive, a comprehensive tutorial on a gears of war 2 environment would be perfect!
1 generic unit in max is = to 1 unreal unit.
the only things you would need to do for unreal while modeling would be collisions but you can auto generate them in unreal for most simple objects and lightmaps you can find free tuts for both of these at the 3dmotive site.
I'm sure after using UDK more it'll all be clearer.
I found this tutorial, not sure if it's any good yet