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PSA - You can start your own thread!

polycounter lvl 20
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rv_el polycounter lvl 20
Not too long ago I started a thread on GA.org asking about new talent coming into the pool. About people coming out of school. I layed out the parameters of what I would like to hear. I wanted to know of young new artists that anybody on GA thought were awesome or "up-and-coming".

My reason for this does not matter and does not need to be stated. Truth be told its because I have been out of the loop lately and I wanted to look at web pages of new artists work. I wanted to see the Bobo's and the SpaceMonkeys of tomorrow. Am I looking for new talent to hire? Am I posting for no reason? Am I trying to find new friends? None of that really matters.

Anyways, The thread de-railed before it even began! It started with people going far far far outside of the original question. Some of this was ok and to be expected. Then it got really bad because of 2 main reasons (then i swiftly bailed like a soccor stadium rampage was about to happen)

1. People didn't get that I never said it had to be personal people. So they started to bring up each other. And then things got strange. If you had a great artist on CGHub you could paste it in and it would benefit us all. But instead people stayed within their GA.org world and talked about the people that were also talking about them.. It cycled out of control and some of the convo got... strange..... real strange.

2. (Mostly thanks to Cookepuss) People posting about "the right artists are not getting recognition" even BEFORE people had a chance to make a post. So the derailing started for no good reason before It could get off the ground. This was babble about how people don't recognize the right people IN HIS OPINION.

Quickly the thread went to shit. Nobody could tell what was going on and because it went to shit so quickly it just simply caused more harm than good and in the end I believe I discovered "Duncan". I think, Just as I jumped from that f'ing train wreck somebody yelled "I like Duncans work" enough times and I checked his stuff out and its awesome. So like one solid artist was brought up and he is FROM the forums. Which is great. But yeesh.

SO! What is my point.

YOU can make your own thread!!! Its as easy as this one right here. That i'm making right now. One Button Click. I hope that this thread serves as a reminder that you can inquire about whatever you want. If one thread makes you realize that the wrong artists are being recognized (in your oppinion) then feel free to start a thread called "The Wrong Artists are being recognized" or hell.. "Sell outs Get recognition. Real artists dont! What do you think!?"... And then watch the sparks fly.

Not all of us are posting on this site so we can watch it degrade into ramblings. I have done this myself on threads and am trying to do it less and less. I think there are worse offenders. But if you study your history you will find that a lot of these float to the top and become dominant.

See: "Cultural Ghetto."
In some arenas this is related to "Brain Drain".

See: Lord of the Flies.

***** Please note I am not trying to squash people from discourse. Discussion is good. But I find there is a loose grip on what constitutes a healthy discussion. Where you should do this. And how far you should go! Lots of threads go too far out there.

I'm not trying to be controlling. If I was I would have posted on the afformentioned GA post I did speaking my mind in a harsh and strong tone. Instead I moved out of the ghetto. Sorry if that sounds bad, but its not actually bad, because I live in ghettos myself! The preferred ones are just more up my alley. :)


  • fearian
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    fearian greentooth
    I think this thread might be to meta for me :(

    edit: rv_el forgot to mention that if you do want to start your own thread, don't forget you must paypal me $5. Don't forget.

    thread tax.
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    i would like to report that my thread on wrist pain was quite successful!
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    how about a link to the traincrash thread??
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    From what I see, he is asking to see portfolio/work of new artists. See Pimping and Previewing sub forum for that. People post work there all the time and lots of them have links to there folio in there sig if you want to check out what else they have done!

    Second it seems he wants a thread created that promotes talented people who dont get the recondition they deserve and one that is calling out people who are not good enough but still getting recognition? LOL what a horrible idea that is. I cant wait too see people start posting, Yeah such and such dude is overrated or a sell out. Im totally sure that will go over well.
  • rv_el
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    rv_el polycounter lvl 20
    Tyler: Just a reminder that its easy to start a new thread if you have something to say. Rather than polute another thread. I need to be reminded of this myself at times!

    Faerian: Just the opposite! I feel like 5 dollars could be awarded to somebody who has a clean thread. Mainly because of calling upon information later. If a new kid joins this forum and searches for Carpal Tunnel information they should get aesirs nice thread on it. They will run if most of the posts are stray bullets.

    aesir: Awesome. I know a LOT about that. I've done talks on it and I should post more about it. Good to hear it.

    Rooster: I figure you mean htis http://www.gameartisans.org/forums/showthread.php?t=19325

    Autocon: LOL! hilarious. I can't tell if your joking or not. I take it your joking...

    dustinbrown: HAHA exactly. Circle-Jerk that cut off all outside information. And also very off-topic ranting and banter that may as well have turned into a "what is art" conversation.

    I bailed out of that thread fast. I don't even know where it went. By the second or so page I left and have not looked back. Why would I?

    I can't get good links to good new artists (in a sea of artists) just anywhere. And I can get an "all new art is shit" opinion from anybody.

    I guess I see some forum threads as being archives. When I read some poeples posts I actually read them. And try to understand it first. Some are just an archive of solid information. When people want to find out about what "music is good to listen to while modeling" it would be nice if 3 months from now somebody comes across it looking for that same information and doesn't read "In Flames is for FAGS!" on the third line.. or "Well if your using Max you should listen to Britney spears"... which is fine and funny, until it turns into a god damn 10 page argument between 4 people!

    Then you have to dig for 10 pages before you see the next "I prefer Pendulum and Isis" post.
  • Saman
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    Saman polycounter lvl 14
    Autocon wrote: »
    Second it seems he wants a thread created that promotes talented people who dont get the recondition they deserve and one that is calling out people who are not good enough but still getting recognition? LOL what a horrible idea that is. I cant wait too see people start posting, Yeah such and such dude is overrated or a sell out. Im totally sure that will go over well.
    Apparently a similar thread at GA ended up with people bashing others who were, according to them, getting undeserved recognition. Rv_el wants people to start their own thread if they're gonna act like that.
    Edit: I don't know if that was a joke or not. Sorry for the redundant explanation if so.
  • Mark Dygert
    If at first you don't succeed... post again on another forum? lol

    TL;DR Sorry I couldn't see your point standing against that great wall of text...
  • rv_el
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    rv_el polycounter lvl 20
    1. No that was just an example story. I'm not posting looking for that ever again.

    2. TL/DR... But its in the title. Probably took you longer to type a response than to get it. :).
  • fearian
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    fearian greentooth
    TL;DR: If you find yourself derailing a thread, feel free to take your discussion into its own thread rather than hijack someone elses.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod

    the linked thread doesn't read that bad frankly! sift through the banter and you did get a ton of names to check out.. also I think it's inevitable when you ask on one forum you're going to get some names back from the same forum, thats where people hang out and see the most new work coming from.

    how about another message, like 'not every reply has to perfectly match your intention in the first post' ;)
  • rv_el
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    rv_el polycounter lvl 20
    Rooster: I guess I have higher standards. I mean people were pasting images of train wrecks into the thread. Sure the info was in there and I looked some of them up. The ones I didn't know already that is..... But I had to get out quick. I don't have time for that. Sadly I don't have time for this. I probably shouldn't have made this thread. This thread is an act of final desperation on my part.

    Yes, I found out that it was inevitable. I didn't expect the thread to go the way it did at first. I am more with dustinbrown there.

    Fun with acronyms.

    Too Lazy; Didn't Read ;)
  • confracto
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    confracto polycounter lvl 11
    yeah...I saw the beginning of that...sorry to hear it didn't end well.

    and thank you for the awesome reminder on forum etiquette! :D

    and always remember:

  • Harry
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    Harry polycounter lvl 13
    This is kind of outlandish. I think your point could have been made much more clearly without the long-winded anecdote, and can't help but feel like recounting, the anecdote in particular, here was a product of frustration at what happened to the thread, rather than anything truly productive.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
  • rv_el
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    rv_el polycounter lvl 20
  • Mark Dygert
    rv_el wrote: »
    1. No that was just an example story. I'm not posting looking for that ever again.

    2. TL/DR... But its in the title. Probably took you longer to type a response than to get it. :).
    1) Why post an entire recount if you don't want to go through it? Why call people out and finger people specifically if you didn't want to start something? Seems more like you wanted a chance to recount the drama and have people pat you on the back...

    People are more likely to comment on the drama if you keep dragging it back up...

    2) "Potatoes in June? Don't pick them too soon!" I'll spare you the 8 paragraph explanation of what I mean by that and why June is a good time to actually pick potatoes but in this example it's a bad time... I'm sure you'll understand it just by reading the title.
  • [HP]
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    [HP] polycounter lvl 17
    Don't we have enough useless threads around these parts? :P Giving incentive to create even more aint gonna make things better. :)
    I would even discourage people from creating new threads, seriously though, it's amazing how lazy people are and skip searching and go straight to creating new threads, cluttering the place.
  • rv_el
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    rv_el polycounter lvl 20
    Totaly agree. Last thing we need is more threads about Motivation when you get home from work and what not. I see posts about "how do you keep motivated" all the time.
  • EarthQuake
    Keep the drama, or whatever the hell this is, at GA.
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