Hey guys, decided to model myself, no easier reference then yourself. Here is what I got so far, don't quite know if its starting to look like me, but hopefully you guys can tell me if I need to push more details or not.
We'll need to see your reference photos to be able to tell you if there's a resemblance.
This is definitely a good start, lots of potential here. Watch out for all those tightly packed edge loops, though. You wanna try and gets your quads nice and evenly spaced.
adding on to what feanix said, you may want to go ahead and relax some of the geometry in the face, just to get a good feel of spacing, you will lose some shape (nothing u cant move right back) but it will help the geometry flow evenly.
Hey guys, I don't quite understand what you mean by relaxing my verts, I did move a few things around, and fixed my lips. here are the update plus reference images. The references images don't turn out this good in 3DS Max, does anybody know a way to make images higher rez in Max because my reference images are something ridiculous like 2500 X 2500 but they still come out fuzzy in Max.
Background texture size - 1024 match bitmap as closely as possible
Download texture size - 512 match bitmap as closely as possible
MipMap Lookup - linear
then just toggle your material view on and off and it should update.
It could be the angle, I'll double check, because I'm looking at my model in orthographic view, but my reference has perspective.
Thanks I'll see if that fixes the fuzziness, and maybe it'll help with the fine details in the face.
Hey guys, I've started to unwrap my character, but I've run into a pelting problem I've never seen before.
I select the part of my character I want to pelt, but it seems the pelting stretchers seem to only want to attach to a couple of end verts rather then all the ones available. Here is one of the times I've encountered it.
See it attaches just to one shoulder, rather then both shoulders, and the sides, hips etc.
Quick way of doing your chest. But it will give you a seam down the back.
Select your chest UV polys.
Press pelt so it connects everything. (So you end up with what you have there).
In perspective viewport select your edges down your spine.
Tools > Break.
Select the whole chest in the UV window.
Tools > relax > relax by faces > apply.
Should spread out into a nice chest UV for you.
Edit: This works for arms and legs too. As well as most things.
Topology seems really bad here, and the face depth is way too far out. Try to follow the landmarks of the face, and put the vertices where they should be.
I fixed the topology of my face, it was because of the blurry reference in max, but I cleaned that up. I could post a more updated version of my face topology, to see if it looks better; and I'll fix the stomach.
I'm narrowed the unwrapping problem to just one thing, at one point during creating my character I had to move to symmetry because my reference was off center, and it caused the unwrap problem; but now i don't know how to fix it, I've gone back to before I moved the symmetry and I moved my reference over, then updated my symmetry and it still gives me a problem. This is the first time I've ever encountered this problem, and I have no idea how to fix it and move forward
Hey guys I finally found a way around my unwrapping problem, never figured out what caused it thought.
Anyways I've moved on to sculpting in ZBrush, this is probably only my second time ever using ZBrush or a sculpting program for that matter, so feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Aye, those upper subdivs aren't doing anything for you right now except for cranking your filesize. And while your at it, hop down to level 1 or 2 and get those forms in better... form.
You've got a peak running along the center of your body atm, when those areas are each relatively planar.
Don't rely on those orthos too much either. You should know yourself pretty well enough by now to know what's blatantly off. So grab a mirror, a George Bridgeman book, and git to sculptin
Make sure your edges are of a relatively even size over the entire base mesh model, at the moment some of the faces (eg. the thighs) are massive, split em up more so you can use your subdivisions better.
And rotate the feet out so they match your reference - from the front they look too thin
wont rotating the feet outward be bad for rigging? I know my toes look wierd for some reason, maybe I can move them around to look a little less like I'm wearing an invisible shoe.
Thanks for the comments guys, I really appreciate it.
what brushes are you primarily using on these low subdivisions?
I've found that is only really necessary to use the basic standard and move brushes when blocking in these basic forms (and most of the time really). This allows you to really get some nice volume out of those larger forms that some of the brushes designed for use in higher subdivisions won't grant as easily.
This is where I'm at so far, and I don't see any reason to get any more detailed other then to maybe just clean up some of the gritty-ness of the edges, but this is pretty much what I look like if I were to flex every single muscle in my body at the same time. This is only the 3rd subdivision, should I go to a fourth to clean up and smooth out the sculpt, or will this translate fine to my model?
Hey guys, I'm having another weird problem trying to set up my textures, it happened when I set up my reference, but I found a way around it; but this time it won't work. When I setup a bitmap image as my diffuse texture, it comes out as a tiled texture in the preview ball, but when I uncheck the tile buttons, it becomes a tine 1X1 pixel in the corner of the image. This never happened to me before, I'm used to me texture filling the whole preview ball as 1 solid texture unless I set it up otherwise.
Here is my first couple of diffuse passes for the texturing, I'm having some trouble with the left arm (Right in the image) I can't get the edge between my shoulder and my bicep to blend. Right now I've used the exact same color on my bicep and my shoulder and for some reason there is a dark spot on the shoulder that exposes the seam for some reason.
Hey guys, haven't posted in a while because of life stuff, but I have an update and two more problems.
#1 This weird thing with the hair stated happening, the hair appears everywhere but on the back right side of the hair, at first I thought it was a coordinates issue or something but he hair appears on the left and ride side, just not the right back pack, and one or two strands that I can get to appear are upside down.
Second problem, not really I problem, I've just run out of ideas to fix it, I can't get the seams around the head, neck and shoulders to blend, its all the same color and you can still see the seam, maybe some of you guys got some tips and tricks on how to hide the seams or something, cause I'm out of ideas.
Hey guys, another update, I've added some lights and a pedestal, but I'm still having problems with the seams around the arms and neck. In this photo my model is all the exact same color, and you can clearly see the seams, I though maybe my smoothing groupers where causing the problem, but I reset them and the problem hasn't been solved. So does anybody have any ideas or tricks on hiding seams.
This is definitely a good start, lots of potential here. Watch out for all those tightly packed edge loops, though. You wanna try and gets your quads nice and evenly spaced.
Customize > Preferences:
Viewports tab > Configure Driver:
Background texture size - 1024 match bitmap as closely as possible
Download texture size - 512 match bitmap as closely as possible
MipMap Lookup - linear
then just toggle your material view on and off and it should update.
Thanks I'll see if that fixes the fuzziness, and maybe it'll help with the fine details in the face.
I select the part of my character I want to pelt, but it seems the pelting stretchers seem to only want to attach to a couple of end verts rather then all the ones available. Here is one of the times I've encountered it.
See it attaches just to one shoulder, rather then both shoulders, and the sides, hips etc.
Select your chest UV polys.
Press pelt so it connects everything. (So you end up with what you have there).
In perspective viewport select your edges down your spine.
Tools > Break.
Select the whole chest in the UV window.
Tools > relax > relax by faces > apply.
Should spread out into a nice chest UV for you.
Edit: This works for arms and legs too. As well as most things.
Anyways I've moved on to sculpting in ZBrush, this is probably only my second time ever using ZBrush or a sculpting program for that matter, so feedback would be greatly appreciated.
You've got a peak running along the center of your body atm, when those areas are each relatively planar.
Don't rely on those orthos too much either. You should know yourself pretty well enough by now to know what's blatantly off. So grab a mirror, a George Bridgeman book, and git to sculptin
Make sure your edges are of a relatively even size over the entire base mesh model, at the moment some of the faces (eg. the thighs) are massive, split em up more so you can use your subdivisions better.
And rotate the feet out so they match your reference - from the front they look too thin
Thanks for the comments guys, I really appreciate it.
I've found that is only really necessary to use the basic standard and move brushes when blocking in these basic forms (and most of the time really). This allows you to really get some nice volume out of those larger forms that some of the brushes designed for use in higher subdivisions won't grant as easily.
Nice start man. I think you should bring up the crotch area a bit more. I feels a little low right now.
#1 This weird thing with the hair stated happening, the hair appears everywhere but on the back right side of the hair, at first I thought it was a coordinates issue or something but he hair appears on the left and ride side, just not the right back pack, and one or two strands that I can get to appear are upside down.
Second problem, not really I problem, I've just run out of ideas to fix it, I can't get the seams around the head, neck and shoulders to blend, its all the same color and you can still see the seam, maybe some of you guys got some tips and tricks on how to hide the seams or something, cause I'm out of ideas.