Hi guys,
I just found an article about Ubisoft. They plan to make their own motion picture studio in Paris, in order to produce their own movies from their own games. More details on the article. What do you think?
And if you want to watch them with friends, each person has to buy their own copy and they have to play them on separate screens in different rooms using headphones and privacy screens on their TVs.
We're fast approaching a time where the assets from movies can be interchanged with games and vice versa, I think this is a great move. Just look at LA noire, the facial technology they used surpasses the believabilty i've seen in almost all major cgi features to date. There's still certainly room for games made purely for gaming, and movies specifically for viewing, but so many games these days have great back stories, settings and characters this could really work. Sure spirits within was a flop, but just think if all that time and energy making the settings and characters went straight into a game as well, much less of a gamble.
We're fast approaching a time where the assets from movies can be interchanged with games and vice versa, I think this is a great move. Just look at LA noire, the facial technology they used surpasses the believabilty i've seen in almost all major cgi features to date. There's still certainly room for games made purely for gaming, and movies specifically for viewing, but so many games these days have great back stories, settings and characters this could really work. Sure spirits within was a flop, but just think if all that time and energy making the settings and characters went straight into a game as well, much less of a gamble.
took the words right out of my mouth crazyfingers, definitely fully agree!
Definitely be interesting to see some Ubi movies
ive been waiting for the day that blizzards cinematic teams make a full length movie... Ill blow through an entire kleenix box in the first 10 minutes....
Point your Iphone at the screen during the Assassins Creed movie to receive the unlock code for the SECRET SPECIAL ARMOUR!
Sit till after the credits are done and record the sound played, use UBIDECODER ONLINE to decode the sound and get a special weapon!
See the Beyond Good and Evil movie 4 times to unlock a free DLC ticket on UPlay!
Unlock the remaining 50% of the game by watching the *game title here* movie! In theatres now!
Enzio is making love to a girl, when suddenly, panting, he stops and rolls over. You see a Tattoo on the girls arm showing that she is someone special.
The girl sighs, sits up, smokes a ciggy and puffs out smoke while Enzio looks in the distance.
She that says in a very quick fleeting voice; "Love, pain, suffering, amour and agony, they're all connected. Must a woman like me orgasm or pretend it to love a man who has no name? Lies, they're all lies, one cannot live life with truth, but must instead looking between the threads of life to read the fine print...the fine print that is the real truth".
And then we pull the camera out of the window, some french music with an accordion plays, and the remaining of the story if about Sin City styled death, where Enzio is escorting the girl through the walks of life while killing people and she rants about orgasms, love, betrayal and other stuff, till Jean Reno and with Chuck Norris own everyone.
took the words right out of my mouth crazyfingers, definitely fully agree!
Definitely be interesting to see some Ubi movies
Sit till after the credits are done and record the sound played, use UBIDECODER ONLINE to decode the sound and get a special weapon!
See the Beyond Good and Evil movie 4 times to unlock a free DLC ticket on UPlay!
Unlock the remaining 50% of the game by watching the *game title here* movie! In theatres now!
Enzio is making love to a girl, when suddenly, panting, he stops and rolls over. You see a Tattoo on the girls arm showing that she is someone special.
The girl sighs, sits up, smokes a ciggy and puffs out smoke while Enzio looks in the distance.
She that says in a very quick fleeting voice; "Love, pain, suffering, amour and agony, they're all connected. Must a woman like me orgasm or pretend it to love a man who has no name? Lies, they're all lies, one cannot live life with truth, but must instead looking between the threads of life to read the fine print...the fine print that is the real truth".
And then we pull the camera out of the window, some french music with an accordion plays, and the remaining of the story if about Sin City styled death, where Enzio is escorting the girl through the walks of life while killing people and she rants about orgasms, love, betrayal and other stuff, till Jean Reno and with Chuck Norris own everyone.
Who do you think Enzio is killing in the movie?
You know, I thought blizzard would have easily been the first.
Also what the hell is up with The Goon !!! Damn It!:poly124: