Using the included prefab in the engine of your choice,
script a puzzle to creatively open the door! It doesn't matter whether you're entering, exiting, or just moving from one room to another - just get to the other side.
As this is a scripting challenge,
you are encouraged to use dev textures and only what art assets are absolutely necessary to communicate key ideas.
The challenge will begin
Friday, April 29th, and end
Sunday, May 22nd at
11:59PM US CENTRAL time (GMT -6)
As always, the submission thread will be opened in the final week of the challenge. Post the following items with your submission:
- A zip file including your map file
- The original level source (and any other relevant files) for inquiring minds to examine your scripting
- 2 screenshots of your scene (ATTACHED! This will help us archive our entries for posterity
- A video showing the puzzle's intended solution
You will have roughly one week to review all entries and vote at the challenge's conclusion. A single vote will be held for the overall winner. Voters will be allowed to vote for their top 3 entries, and the level that receives the most votes will be declared our winner.
You may:
- Use the Source Engine (using the included .vmf file) OR
- Use the April 2011 UDK (using the included .udk file) OR
- Use another engine of your choosing (using the included .obj file as reference - please scale to approximately match the Source/UDK relative player scale)
- Modify the provided template geometry, scripting, lighting, etc. as needed to create your puzzle.
As with the previous challenge, there will be no prize other than the pride of knowing people thought you were awesome. Woo.
Great video, I enjoyed it, it felt like a scripted sequence you would actually go through in Half life :P Was the audio in game, or done in video post? good luck in the comp!
however, in games these days I feel like that puzzle would be seen as 'too advanced', and either scaled down, or hand-held the entire way with what to do displayed on the screen, haha.
Either way, I enjoyed it.
HA! Thanks bro.
I totally agree! Also the audio was all done in-game, I also had custom vo recorded for the female lines. This scene took me 1 day to make over a span of about 5-6 hrs. (That also includes testing)
I actually had this tested by a few people before I finalized it, all test subjects were able to complete the actual puzzle and understood what they did. So this puzzle was definitely refreshing to make. Also, that's the best part of this competition. Everyone gets to be as creative as they want and I've already seen some pretty cool stuff.
Everyone needs to join this :P
- Jason
If you would like me to test your map and give you feedback please let me know! I'm available everyday!
- Jason