First and foremost...sorry, sorry, sorry. I found other threads on this but though "what the hell does that mean?" So I'm having problems like the picture below were you can clearly see my seams. If someone could possibly explain it to me in layman terms, I would be very appreciative. I know it has to do with my normals but I've been tinkering with it for about 3 hours and am getting exhausted. This is my first night in UDK so I'm confused and feel so behind the times. Thanks!
Read it all!
Also, for the Unreal Engine, you gotta invert your green channel in ur normal map.
If I remember correctly, you need to use this for avoid any bugs with normal maps.
Here are my results (rocks are only mine)
Round 2:
They look pretty good
I have a new problem now. I'm trying to do foliage but when I have it in-game and when I move it is all grainy. Hard to explain but their default fern, when moving in the level does not have a static/grainy feel when moving but mine does. I know I'm screwing up something in the material editor and may have to do with the fact that they use texture2d? Maybe could be a anti aliasing problem?
Any explanation and maybe walk through would be appreciated.
Fern pictures (was to lazy to turn off 3rd person mode >.<)
Zack Dembinski
"Robot laying next to Rock and Fern" should be the title to that piece there. Hang it in the museum!! under dada-ism! lol...
Oniram, I am not using texture 2d.
Made you guys a video of whats happening and the material.¤t=Fern_question.mp4
ZAck Dembinski
C > UDK > UDK-20XX-XX > UDK Game > Content
unless otherwise specified, thats where all of your .upk files will be. just go in there and make a copy or zip it or whatever, then upload to dropbox or whatever you use.
Zack Dembinski
Zack Dembinski
Zack Dembinski
my solution however would probably be just find another image of the plant. i went to cgtextures yesterday to look at some of what they had. brought 1 in for testing and it was fine. we're also using them in the level that my friends and i are making.
this is a shot from my own test level.. so i dont have to load a big level when programming, but plants are the same.
EDIT: I found out what my problem was. When rendering in xnormal I had a white background. Instead I changed it to a brownish green so when that seam pops up it's not white and brown and unnoticeable.