oooh neat. first thing i said when i saw this thread was "why not just use local normal" and then i got to that part in the video. XD thx for the script, itll definitely come in handy
The Syphorlate is the man who wrote the function that do the extrusion in any direction. You have to thank him. He plans to improve the code and to add a bevel functionality.
For more information visit the scriptspot thread from the first post.
Maybe someone can help me or can help Syphorlate with the comented function in the script body that use the loop to collect all information of selected verts and then use that information when the extrusion happen, because creating the copy of the object is a bit slower than simple face information collection. For now that loop function work properly only with single poly loop(every verts of the selected faces can be common of 1.2 or 3 faces. IF there is a vert(verts) that is shared by 4 faces the loop function does not work properly).
J.D. I will see what I can do.
Awesome, thanks
When I run the script, Im getting the same error as someone posted over on scriptspot which is :
--Runtime error: Can't load Button images: bitmap: "PolyExtrudeIcons.png"
oh xsi. the clever stuff you done teacherd me
Because I forgot to put the UI imаges in the mzp installer
Download the new installer from scriptspot.
The script is not encrypted.
Makes me wonder why Autodesk couldn't just build it this way to begin with.
For more information visit the scriptspot thread from the first post.
Maybe someone can help me or can help Syphorlate with the comented function in the script body that use the loop to collect all information of selected verts and then use that information when the extrusion happen, because creating the copy of the object is a bit slower than simple face information collection. For now that loop function work properly only with single poly loop(every verts of the selected faces can be common of 1.2 or 3 faces. IF there is a vert(verts) that is shared by 4 faces the loop function does not work properly).