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Elevator that triggers up and down

polycounter lvl 6
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8-Bit polycounter lvl 6
Hey all,

I've searched high and low for this but I can't seem to find the answer anywhere. What I'm trying to do is create a platform that when it's down will go up and when it's up will go down simply by stepping onto the surface of it. Right now I've got the elevator started at the bottom, and when I step on it it goes up fine.
What I want it to do now is hold its position at the top until I leave and re-enter it.
As it is, it only goes up and stays there, but never goes back down again. I don't want it to go back down as soon as I get off of it, which is what most tutorials online seem to cover.

Right now I've got one trigger going up the entire path of the platform with a touch node attached to the matinee. I thought I could create another node for the same trigger that tells it to reverse but it doesn't know to wait until it's been untouched and re-touched as it were.

I hope this isn't too confusing. I haven't used Kismet before so I'm still very lost.


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