I know this is possible because I did it months ago but can't remember how.
So I have two objects each has it's own unique material. I want to combine them and have the new combined object have a multi sub object material applied. When I apply the multi sub object material I want it to populate the sub object fields with the materials that were on the originals. This is all so I can import it into UDK and apply two materials to the object. I just can't remember the order, do I combine them then match material to material ID's or is it the other choice. Or do I wait to combine the two obj's until one has a multi sub object material?
The asset is a tree with a unique material on the trunk and another obj (the canopy) that also has a separate material. Thanks, sorry if that was to wordy I just want the material I'd fields to be populated so in UDK I can apply two or more materials.
If you're using Max, you set it up with the two materials, then you can combine the two meshes.
Make sure once you've combined the two meshes that you apply the multi sub object material on that new combined mesh.
Select by face or element on the mesh and apply the mat ID to that selection (in this case either mat id 1 or mat id 2).
This is under the modify tab under the option - Polygon: Material IDs - below the - Edit Geometry - Tools, which is usually the case unless you have a different UI setup.
Again not 100% sure it'll work but give it a go!
Then you can go ahead and eyedrop it a new material and it will give you to multi sub object material with two mat ids. Although I'm not sure if this would work on more complex geometry with more than two mat ids, but its worth a shot. Wouldn't be surprised if it did work on complex stuff.
Well it works 100% of the time Bro! You are my new savior, cuz that was the one thing I spaced on. I was forgetting to use the eye dropper once I combined the two objects that had their own materials. I seriously have a huge smile on my face and I was not too happy all day thanks!!!!