The title's pretty bad, but hopefully I can explain what I'm looking for a bit better.
Basically, I've been thinking about efficient ways to get multiple people working on the same 3d scene, or more exactly levels for an open source game I'm developing for. Essentially I'm looking for something like the repositories that coders use, but instead of managing code, it manages digital art assets like textures, concepts, meshes etc.
Does anyone have any suggestions about how I could go about setting something like this up?
Thanks for your time,
Also a program named tortoise SVN is alot like dropbox but intigrates directly with windows.
Hope this helps
Another nice thing is you don't need a special git server running. Your git client just needs access to the repository
I have access to a Mercurial server that was set up by one of the organisations involved in the OS development, with all the permission I need to set up shop on it, but I've been reluctant to do so as I'm looking around for all options - plus, it would be hosting a large amount of data, and I'd feel bad if I ate up on their bandwidth by accident!
I'll certainly check out SVN and Dropbox. Thanks for the tips.
I have used SVN for this purpose before and it works very well. I like the idea of not needing a specific server running though so GIT is attractive.