Hey guys,
I'm working on a block-out of a basic environment and am trying to setup some basic lighting, but I'm having an odd issue where my preview/build lighting light is way different from the lighting I get in-game.
If I build lighting, I get the normal lighting I want.
If I try to go in-game just after doing build geo, then build lighting separately, It tell sme to rebuilt lighting still.
So once I rebuilt ALL, I get a vastly different lighting setup, it appears very blue.
I only have 1 point-light in the scene.

I really need some help here from you UDK experts who might have seen this before.
I've build a simple modular wall piece 96x96 with a tillable texture. It's on the grid and everything snaps together perfectly.
I placed 1 static mesh and copied it several times to form the wall.
The Static mesh has proper UV's and a proper lightmap channel with plenty of padding for mipping. I'm using a 256 lightmap resolution.
The Material looks fine on a BSP.
Preview looks fine, but as soon as I render Lighting I'm getting insane coloration differences between the modular peices, as well as lightmap seams between then when viewed from certain angels.
Each side has it's own smoothing group,and the normals are orientated correctly.
Does anyone have any idea what is going on here?
by emissive light i mean meshes or materials that use their emissive to create static lighting.. which the blue checker floor does.
you can see what im talking about here
and here is an example of without the checker but still emissives
the checker is showing a seam between each wall peice. also the lights on the wall have UseEmissiveForStaticLighting checked on, which also causes this to happen. ive generally noted that from now on ill try to use as much lights as needed instead of emissive lights, but just having lightmass settings turned down on them as to not take up too many resources.
here is an updated version of the lighting im working on. there is still a bit of discoloration but i think thats due to the fact that almost everything in the scene has a reflective texture in it, which bounces light more.
only things emissive in there are the lights on the wall and the globe thing