Konstruct and myself thought it'd be fun to post some screen shots of our levels from Nexuiz. This is an XBOX360, PS3 and PC using CryEngine 3 scheduled for release this Summer. Come check it out at E3.
Those are the characteristic Nexuiz maps right there, it'd be a shame if the new reboot doesn't have them in some form
I do support this project BTW, nevermind the misguided preachy hatedom
Also that second map might look a bit too busy for its own good. Those neon lights could get distracting and clashing I can't tell if I can jump over there or not (in the first pic).
Those are the characteristic Nexuiz maps right there, it'd be a shame if the new reboot doesn't have them in some form
I do support this project BTW, nevermind the misguided preachy hatedom
Also that second map might look a bit too busy for its own good. Those neon lights could get distracting and clashing I can't tell if I can jump over there or not (in the first pic).
None of those, the only Nexuiz Classic map in the new Nexuiz is Strength :P
@ PiesandBombs- What Halo map are you talking about. Both my kid sister, and some ones friend visiting the studio said it looked like a Halo map. I`ve played a ton of Halo 1,2,3, and looked over all of the Reach multilayer maps and still have no clue what map your talking about. Is it one of the downloadables?I must know!!!
Those tech stuff are purely insane!Really nice art management and execution.Slick shapes,textures,background elements,those classical art touches and especially lighting,everything are complemental.Yoy can't wait for this!
The map is in Halo 1, 2 and 3. In Halo 1 it's called Wizard, in Halo 2 it's called Warlock, in Halo 3 it was released as a remake (in which that map looks identical to) called Assembly.
No worries Pies- Im just glad to finally know what Halo level people are talking about!
Synergy: We might post some process stuff down the road. Whats been exciting about this project is its the first time I`ve ever been able to work almost exclusively in max. The way cryengine3 is set up, 3dsmax is basically an extension to the editor. Thats not to say we don't use quite a few modular assets- I just want to emphasize that all the work that is typically done with BSP, what all done with mesh work, allowing for more more organic and non-blocky environments.
Really great work. Usually I often find those final fantasy styled curved survace buildings to be not that appealing but I really like what you did there. I expcially like the first shot of the above post. I don't know how much wip it is. But I could imagine a wonderfull video sequence of an airship approaching the hughe building.
All filmed in realtime in CryEngine 3 (I think). Ruins levels by me, blue/curvey levels by konstruct (cole), and the red perpendicular levels by kedhrin. Video created by the awesome folks at machinima! Characters and weapons by Art Bully. and yea I made that silly whale in the mudbox.
Thanks everyone. We're a small group of guys just trying to make a game. Getting this far has been a huge blessing, and we hope to keep you folks entertained for years to come.
Visually, this looks awesome! Those levels are gorgeous. But, I'm wondering, and I'm not trying to be a dick here, but what makes this game stand out from unreal tournament? Story and gameplay look identical. Even the N logo looks like the unreal logo rotated 180 degrees.
I know that comes across as a dick comment, and im not trying to undermine your work, because it really does look beautiful, and you clearly put a lot of love into it. Im just wondering about game play, if there are features that set it apart that I don't know about. I cant seem to find where I saw it, I think its in this thread somewhere, but there was mention of ever changing levels. Are they dynamic?
I'm definitely going to pick this up though. UT is actually one of the very very few FPS games I liked to play, so the fact it reminds me so much of it is a good thing in my eyes. This looks much prettier though.
Nevermind the stat display on some of these-
This is our Forsellian set (blue team)
Those are the characteristic Nexuiz maps right there, it'd be a shame if the new reboot doesn't have them in some form
I do support this project BTW, nevermind the misguided preachy hatedom
Also that second map might look a bit too busy for its own good. Those neon lights could get distracting and clashing I can't tell if I can jump over there or not (in the first pic).
Either way, great work. The art and the game both look amazing. Congratulations guys.
None of those, the only Nexuiz Classic map in the new Nexuiz is Strength :P
Don't forget to lock the door
@ PiesandBombs- What Halo map are you talking about. Both my kid sister, and some ones friend visiting the studio said it looked like a Halo map. I`ve played a ton of Halo 1,2,3, and looked over all of the Reach multilayer maps and still have no clue what map your talking about. Is it one of the downloadables?I must know!!!
Here are some screenshots:
[Ninja Admin edit: Removed the IMG tags. -adam]
As someone already said, the work here is gorgeous, I can't wait to see it as I'm playing the game.
Any chance on showing some assets and the creation process? : 0
Saved to inspire folder.
Synergy: We might post some process stuff down the road. Whats been exciting about this project is its the first time I`ve ever been able to work almost exclusively in max. The way cryengine3 is set up, 3dsmax is basically an extension to the editor. Thats not to say we don't use quite a few modular assets- I just want to emphasize that all the work that is typically done with BSP, what all done with mesh work, allowing for more more organic and non-blocky environments.
you can't explain that.
got the go ahead to post a little wippage.
Looks awesome though, really like the curvature in that last shot.
Anyway: Great work!
All filmed in realtime in CryEngine 3 (I think). Ruins levels by me, blue/curvey levels by konstruct (cole), and the red perpendicular levels by kedhrin. Video created by the awesome folks at machinima! Characters and weapons by Art Bully. and yea I made that silly whale in the mudbox.
Looks cool man.
May I ask where the concepts for the levels come from?
If you didn't know, we're in the house party. Nexuiz, Feb 29 (freak out, leap year!) 800 points or $10
I know that comes across as a dick comment, and im not trying to undermine your work, because it really does look beautiful, and you clearly put a lot of love into it. Im just wondering about game play, if there are features that set it apart that I don't know about. I cant seem to find where I saw it, I think its in this thread somewhere, but there was mention of ever changing levels. Are they dynamic?
I'm definitely going to pick this up though. UT is actually one of the very very few FPS games I liked to play, so the fact it reminds me so much of it is a good thing in my eyes. This looks much prettier though.
looking forward to picking this up on PC.