Yo, another day, another bike......last one this is, and its style is pretty good for rendering, so i want to do it as a portfolio piece. Ive blocked nearly everything out, and am going over a second pass on each of the parts, trying to nail how they all fit together. Some will need a third pass for extra detail no doubt. As you can see Im saving the main fairing for last, as its going to be the hardest, so excuse the lame WIP section there. I think I may need more geo on the panels to get clean cuts, but we´ll see.

Ill post some wires tomorrow, I want to try out that nice mental rays shader from the tech forum at some point, but in the meantime heres a scanline render.
Updates to follow, anyone spot anything shady looking please tell me!
Heres a ref:
Keep it uup
everything so far looks pretty solid man, better then what i could have done lol the lambo on my site was originally suppose to be a motorcycle but i couldn't get over the amount of tiny detail involved - props to you on that alone ! ahaha
Been away for a month on a sound job......finished the high in the meantme, working on the low atm
Next stop, texturing!!
edit: oh bugger, missed the brake pedal on the bake dammit!
Also, there's no wires to the front calipers and you're missing the back calipers entirely.
nice bike and beauty bake.!
Looks greattttt though!
Woo frontpage!!
Been texturing away and heres where im at so far. Been working on the metal, paintwork needs vectoring so apologies for the photo overlays at present, but its a good way of making everything fit first. The reflective metal has been hard, so many maps to juggle, and while im not totally happy with it, im getting there slowly. Crits on the materials would be ace, other than that, its fixing a few triangulaton errors and working on the paint. I also plan a more minimal paintwork, as the full garish race paint is almost too much for my reserved english taste! Ill post some more when ive made some progress, and il try and get a turntable up so you can judge the metal better.
PS Racer445, you are my hero. Without your tutorial on using blockout maps and generating all the maps from a single psd, this wouldve been HELL! Thanks man, really appreciate it.....
The metal parts feels a bit too dark? Especially the brakediscs considering they're being polished by the calipers(which you are still missing on the back
The frame switch color to black at the steeringhead?
Dunno about the shocks on the rc211v but most shocks these days are near 100% reflective with the housing being anodized in some color.
The frontshocks on this one:
Oh and... orange rims!
found this:
low poly mesh seems quite messy, but you seem to be past that stage already.
also maybe some nice heat discoloration on and around the rear exhaust. make it subtle!
no problem!
I second Ahrkey on the shocks though.
In fact I would go as far as to say that you forgot to include the damper unit and got only the stanchions and those too long ;D
Also what racer said about the metal of the swing, it should be shiny aluminium.
Anyway, fixed the wheels to orange, next job is that damned brushed aluminium, and patching a coupla holes oops!
Crits on the materials welcomed!
As I wrote in the WAYWO thread, I am trying something a bit new for me, roughing things in with photos, then going back and using a composite material in max to project the decals on properly, as the UV map was simply impossible to keep dead square. This gives me nice even logos that wiggle with the slight waves in the UV (cos they are projected on) and stop me from pulling my hair out trying to warp logos in PS. If anyone is interested I can do a quick writeup on how its done.