Hey to all,
I wanted to know if there is way to regularize loops and polygons in Max, like this script here:
I remember the Ribbons had such a function, but am unable to recall how to get it, could anyone enlighten a poor fool like me?
Thank you almighty one, and may my first born be named after ye'!
There is also a geoloop script at syncviews site.
I find it much better than anything in the ribbon and the spherify method and I use it all the time.
The script says max9 and above so if your running a version of max with the ribbon then you are able to run this script...
Circle Loop for loops.
I prefer this script though. it does the job of both the max functions contextually.
Looks like a very useful script to me - I didn't need it so far but I can see how it could turn out to be one of those essential tools once one starts using it.
Seriously mate, these comments just make you sound like an immature fool.