Subdivision Reversion will recreate the subdivision levels of an already subdivided mesh with 100% precision. It works with only 3ds Max 2011 and 3ds max 2012 (x86 and x64).
Here are some of the benefits you get:
If a 3d model you buy online has its modifier stack collapsed it is almost useless, you cant edit, unwrap, rig it, but with Subdivision Reversion you can reconstruct the first subdivision level and then do all the above.
If in your production pipeline you need at some point to collapse the model with Subdivision Reversion you can get the subdivisions back later
When you apply a turbosmooth modifier to a reconstructed subdivision level you will get exactly the same mesh as the original
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If so - very cool !!!
I wonder if all apps create point orders the same way tho - it'd be interesting to verify the OBJ data from Maya, Max, Mudbox and Zbrush. I remember noticing that merely performing a convert from edit mesh to edit poly is enouh to screw up the point order in Max hehe
pior no the point order doesn't remain, only the point positions.
But this is a really cool script!