Home Digital Sketchbooks

Sketchbook: Sean VanGorder

So I've put off ever creating a sketchbook due to the fact that every time I create something I KNOW I can do better. But I guess that's the point of the these threads, to see the progression of one's work over time. I'll start posting random pieces in here, whether they be finished or a wip, a quick doodle or a polished piece.

Here's a few things a did in the past 2 weeks. Some of these were for a freelance gig and were slightly rushed, but I'm still moderately happy with how they came out.


I've been trying to nail down a solid technique for sculpting stone and rocks. I think I've gotten to the point where they don't look shitty anymore(literally), but it could still use some work. I need to work on getting stronger forms and deeper crevices before I'm completely satisfied with my methods.

I'll be posting more work soon.


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