So I've put off ever creating a sketchbook due to the fact that every time I create something I KNOW I can do better. But I guess that's the point of the these threads, to see the progression of one's work over time. I'll start posting random pieces in here, whether they be finished or a wip, a quick doodle or a polished piece.
Here's a few things a did in the past 2 weeks. Some of these were for a freelance gig and were slightly rushed, but I'm still moderately happy with how they came out.

I've been trying to nail down a solid technique for sculpting stone and rocks. I think I've gotten to the point where they don't look shitty anymore(literally), but it could still use some work. I need to work on getting stronger forms and deeper crevices before I'm completely satisfied with my methods.

I'll be posting more work soon.
No, but good job, you masochist. More art plz.
Words cant describe how excited I am for The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim, the next installment in one of my favorite game series. So to stifle some of this excitement until the November release date, I decided to work on a little Skyrim inspired scene for my portfolio. I hope this scene will show off what I know about the Unreal engine, and hopefully Ill learn a lot more in the process.
After a few days work, this is where the scene currently stands.
Some tests on a tiling stone pattern
And this was more of just me doodling with no goal. I guess it's a stylized rocky surface?
this looks great.
glass looks a bit like steel though.