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Custom first person animations in Crysis

polycounter lvl 8
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Mr. Brightside polycounter lvl 8
Never made first person animations for Crysis before and I have a couple of questions for the pros here at polycount ;)

  1. When animating can I use link constraint with the magazine, triggers, bolts etc etc or do I have to use point helpers + physique modifiers like this wiki page suggests? http://wiki.crymod.com/index.php/Weapon_Exporting
  2. When importing a custom weapon does it "replace" another weapon or can you make completely new weapons?
  3. How many animations does Crysis use and what are they?
  4. Do I need to create bones for the Muzzle flashes + shell ejections?
  5. Do I have to have crysis in order to use the sdk (to test animations)?

Thanks in advance...
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