Hi guys. I've been working on some rolling stock for a train sim and I started thinking about the truck and wheel textures. The dev docs suggest something along the lines of a single 512 texture for the trucks and wheels.
In turn, I started thinking about using a 1k texture with 4 different truck and wheel set textures. This single texture would be used on every piece of rolling stock I do and you would get 4 different variations.
My thinking was that the texture would have to be loaded once, for multiple cars and still allow variation.
Would that be an efficient way to go about it or would the single 512 be better?
These are often called "batches" or "sections". So the mesh will actually take more time to draw because where you have the change of material there's a small pause in rendering.
It may also just be that there'll be a hard coded limit on the number of materials you can put on each train.
I'd try it and see - unless you're strapped for time. Just remember to test your work in-game to make sure you're not causing problems.