Has anyone found a way to set default settings in the various unwrapping tools like in earlier versions...I am currently toying around with the trial and the inability to set the Relax Tool to use 'by Face Angles' as Default Setting is more or less a deal breaker for me...
IF you only click the "set as default" button in the dialog box that only effects the tool for that session. You need to go into Options > Save Current Settings as Default, for it to stick from session to session.
It's been crazy like that for as long as I can remember... It's really not your fault max is schizophrenic...
I wondered if there was a different option to change the defaults...maybe some ini file or anything really...
UV Editor Main menu > Options > Save Current Settings as Default.
This will save ALL settings as the default . If this fails to work you probably don't have admin permissions on that machine. If its missing... well that's one seriously messed up copy of max...
http://download.autodesk.com/us/3dsmax/2012help/images/GUID-AA932D5B-90C1-4CBC-880C-EB2861CBB0F5-low.png (image from the Autodesk online help)
So they can be set some way... I just don't think how they "intended" is working. I filed a bug report, you should do the same if you can. The more of these they get the more likely they are to fix it.
I guess sit tight and wait for Service Pack1 as per usual when they release...
I thought there must be some file where the defaults are saved, I'll see if I can find one...
Edit: Found it...
(XP): //Local Settings/Application Data/Autodesk/3dsMax/2012 - 32 Bit/enu/plugcfg/unwrapuvw.ini
1. change 'RelaxType' to 0
2. Save
3. restart Max
4. ???
5. Profit
As for the bug report you can enter 000 0000000 into the serial number its what the trial version is set to use until you activate it. Honestly I think you can type any garbage in there and it would accept it, I don't think it checks it.