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[FIGHTER] Killer Instinct - Cinder - MagmaPixel

I'm reluctantly entering the contest. Not much time left, and I have to learn some new technical stuff in Maya, but hopefully I'll be able to get a good end result.

It's been lot of fun so far. I didn't expect to enjoy it so much. Cinder is my fighter, because he leaves so much room to be creative. You can do all kinds of things with a roughly humanoid ball of fire.

Here's my starter concept process. (Hopefull this works. I couldn't find clear info on how to post images.)


I'm no expert on shaders or maps. I have an understanding, but it's hard to make some things look as good in Maya as they do in Zbrush. If anyone has tips or reference on zbrush to Maya conversion techniques, point the way. ;)
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