Hey, for some reason when I go into vertex mode when using the Unwrap UVW modifier, and select a vertex, the rest of the element is selected :S
This stops me from using snapping to align two of the same mesh to the same co-ordinate's
As you can see the other vertex's are selected, although they are not fully red like they would be if "Select Element" was on. They just have a red border.
I let this tho, coud be useful.
So, if you ever use the sofselection, also check the "UV" radio button instead of "XY", or it will take on account the position of your points on the 3d object.
With XY on, you influence points that are close on the mesh, but not necesseraly on the unwrap.
There should be an easy way of calling up all the options that have been changed.
Now before you flip out and call me a dick, I totally agree, it would be really cool if there was a way to highlight (without changing) what has changed, it would be even more awesome if they could color code it so the most recent things changed show up in red and the older stuff shows up in a cooler color.
It would also be great to be able to toggle this mode on and off, because after you get used to the tools and it all becomes muscle memory a feature like that would be more annoying than useful.