So i didnt see a thread about this, and i was just wondering if anyone else here got it. I bought both portal and mk on tuesday, and i have to admit, to my surprise, i am enjoying mk a lot more than i expected to. coming off of playing mvc3 since it came out, when i played MK at gdc this year i thought it was pretty slow and boring. IT ISNT! generally i think its a really great game and the story mode has had me hooked! just thought id get everyone else's opinions on the matter.

Awesome game but if you're going to play a lot or be serious about it at all, get an arcade stick!
I agree with Joshua Stubbles about the 360 controller. I can barely make any attacks that require Back, Back or Forward, Forward motions with the stick (and Cyrax is one my favorite characters
For the next one I would like to see them integrate this type of Story Mode with Konquest Mode from Deception and Armageddon.
I'm loving it so far, there's so much to do. I've been playing it a ton since I got it and I haven't even scratched the surface. Netherrealm Studios really knocked it out of the park as far as content (kontent?) goes. Story mode is easily the best single player mode in a fighting game I've seen, and there's so much fan service that I can't possibly see anybody that was ever a fan of MK being disappointed.
And more importantly, the fighting system is great too. It's far more about timing and reacting to situations as opposed to memorizing long combo strings, which makes it a blast to play, while at the same time it really opens it self up the more you play. Utilizing the super meter depending on the situation makes a world of difference. Compared to how broken past MK games have been, I can see this one being used in tourneys.
Can already tell that this is easily the most value I've gotten in a game in a long time.
Add me on PSN: Skamberin
I want to get my ass kicked