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New Nintendo Console?



Not sure how much truth there is to this, but it would be interesting to see Nintendo contend for the hardcore market.


  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    SeanEG wrote: »


    Not sure how much truth there is to this, but it would be interesting to see Nintendo contend for the hardcore market.

    Nintendo = Hardcore

    Does not compute!
  • Will Faucher
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    Will Faucher polycounter lvl 12
    Well this is interesting!
    I find this quote a little weird: "Nintendo's intent is to recapture the hardcore market"

    ... Did Nintendo EVER have the hardcore market? Sure, I mean, some of the games on the NES and SNES were pretty darn hardcore, but there wasn't much to compare against.
  • m4dcow
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    m4dcow interpolator
    It all depends on what people consider hardcore. I thought mariokart 64 was hardcore, whereas mariokart double dash for the gamecube not so much since controls were dumbed down to make it more accessible, this happened even more-so with the Wii iteration.
  • Two Listen
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    Two Listen polycount sponsor
    Why in the hell would I want a touch screen, a 6 INCH touch screen on my controller? When I'm playing a console, I just want to pick up my controller, turn on the system, and have some fun. I don't want to have to worry about my friends getting huge dirty fingerprints all over the touchscreen of the controller when I pass it to them, or what have you.

    Also - sounds expensive.
  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    It's the new WiiWii.

    Yea this "touch sensation" is a great way to get sick fast if that is the case, oh you just coughed all over the "controller's screen" at my party no problem pass me the controller next, I can't wait!

    Any game news is good news to me though.
  • Shadownami92
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    Shadownami92 polycounter lvl 7
    Or maybe they are trying to say they will try to get back the hardcore Nintendo gamers? I mean the Wii didn't exactly have that much in terms of Nintendo franchises, save for Mario, Metroid, and while very late a single (but good) Donkey Kong game and a Kirby game. I'd say Zelda but the only Zelda game on it was a gamecube port.

    Meaning no F-Zero, no Star Fox, no Pikmin.

    And even in the ones they released the amount of games was still pretty low, especially in comparison to the N64, and less then the Gamecube.

    Either way I'm just going to wait up until they actually release the things rather then listen to rumors. But with a name like Project Cafe it's a little tough imaging it's supposed to be for hardcore gamers.

    Although if that touch screen portion acts anything like those memory cards from the dreamcast I could see it being pretty cool.
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    Let me save you guys some time.

    The next Nintendo console will be named something witty and after another body part (most likely the Jiingles).

    It's going to be a 'last generation console' when compared to the newer market and consoles coming out (always playing sloppy seconds I guess, I guess they're into the entire facial market)

    It's going to be slightly more expensive than the first generation Wii, but will still be making profit for Nintendo (even if everyone will say "But it's cheaper then XYZ!", only then to say "I wish I waited for a price cut").

    It's going to have some fancy smashup tech inside, such as vibrating glass controller which astrally projects in your mind and has biosensors for eye detection (either that, or they will create a new FEEDBACK system so I can feel something when playing it!).

    They'll make your same cake cut games in IP (Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Smash Bros and maybe revive an actually GOOD fucking OLD gamer to which they'll defile the corpse, because lets face it, Necrophila with a Plumber, Elf and Space Girl is so ever hot).

    And till we get some ACTUAL INFORMATION from Nintendo themselves, we'll get many 'leaked' information which makes my diarrhea look pretty, and with 'leaked' footage of said console, using having a cat in tinfoil hat being stuffed inside a toaster.

    You're welcome.
  • ceebee
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    ceebee polycounter lvl 14
    I wonder if they expect people to be able to afford multiple pricey touch screen controllers or like most people above me expect 1 controller to work for 2-4+ people.
  • m4dcow
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    m4dcow interpolator
    Despite my reservations about Nintendo doing something crazy like not having real buttons, I'm a sucker for Smash Bros, so if or whenever that is announced I'm pre-ordering/buying.

    They also need to lose the whole friend code system, the 3DS made the jump of it tied to the system, not they need to make the jump of untying it from the system, or do away with the random numbers altogether.
  • VPrime
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    VPrime polycounter lvl 9
    Touch screen ( along side regular buttons) would be awesome.. It could a dynamic control so you can have macros, or certain junk there,,, who knows!
    For those saying its a germ magnet or you don't want dirty fingers on it... How is it any different than a regular controller? You are touching them with bare hands any ways so you won't get any more sick than you would with a regular controller.
  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    It just came to me, with the "new" 3D tech sensation with the movies, It's time for the correct way to do this:
    Boom that's the only way this will be for hardcore gamers, damn It the cats out the bag now. :)
  • Makkon
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    Makkon polycounter
    HD next-gen Zelda!

    And that's all I care about.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Prophecies wrote: »

    ... Did Nintendo EVER have the hardcore market?

    The N64 and GC would have been considered proper consoles... and the GC is still one of the best consoles out there of all time, the gems on that system...

    I hope this new console is GC compatible as well, dying to finally play Wind Waker in HD! :D
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    What's so hardcore about nintendo once again being one console-generation late?

    The Wii is slightly faster than the first xbox.

    So it's reasonable to expect that their new console would be slightly faster than the currently 5 year old console generation.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    So they are finally going to make a console that competes with the PS3 and 360, which are probably both going to be replaced in a year or two. That's HARDCORE!
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Its all going to depend on if they abandon the shovelware philosophy. Nintendo can work magic with very little, the GC was amazing and the Wii has around 10 really great titles, so a console thats as fast as the 360 and ps3 is all they need. I'm bored of playing as a bald space marine playing duck behind the cement roadblock, hope they won't just shovel shit onto this new console like they did with the wii.
  • gsokol
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    gsokol polycounter lvl 14
    I recall the "touchscreen controller" being the big rumor for the Wii before they showed off the controller. People won't let that one die will they?

    Andreas: I don't think nintendo really had a shovelware philosophy. Deciding to have a console that was super cheap to develop for (compared to xbox360 and ps3) pretty much drew those people in. I really hope that doesn't happen again too.
  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    They better make the devkit for this thing nicer than the Wii one. It's embarrassing to have one of those on your desk... it looks like a car battery on life support
  • Jason Young
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    Jason Young polycounter lvl 16
    I'd like to see them make their next console in the same realm of power as the ps4 and xbox 3. It can still be the lowest performer since that's classic nintendo, but at least be somewhat close. Then tack on whatever gimmick they want. This would, of course, mean releasing it closer to the other systems.

    I feel like they're going to release a console that is capable of crysis 2 visuals, and then a year or two later, MS and Sony are going to release something capable of Epic's Samaritan demo, and we'll be in the exact same position we are now. It'll be a pain to port things to the nintendo console, and 3rd parties are going to get boned.
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    Kwramm wrote: »
    They better make the devkit for this thing nicer than the Wii one. It's embarrassing to have one of those on your desk... it looks like a car battery on life support

    Have you seen the original PS3 dev kit?


    That thing is like "Oh..hmm... where does the Zeppelin CD go?"
  • low odor
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    low odor polycounter lvl 17
    not sure if this is real or not

  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    I find it funny that as everyone thought it was about the graphics, Nintendo turned around and made it all about cool new gimmicky controls and scoops up all the money. Now that everyone's talking about the casual crowd as the future, Nintendo may spin around and get back to the basics... Whatever Nintendo's up to it'll be Unique and they'll likely make a ton of money at it, they're good at that. If that involves making more "hardcore games", while everyone else is chasing some aloof concept of a casual market, awesome.
  • Darth Tomi
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    Darth Tomi polycounter lvl 12
    It will have a hamster wheel for it's power source.
  • praetus
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    praetus interpolator
    Ha, great. I can't wait to pay $100 for a controller with a screen in it. Oh wait, I already have a tv. That picture reminds me of when some gamecube games required additional players to own GBA and the cables to connect them.

    I haven't been excited for a nintendo game since Brawl, so probably not going to get excited over this.
  • Shadownami92
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    Shadownami92 polycounter lvl 7
    Dude if the controller was really is like that I would love it, looks like a set up similar to what Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles and Zelda 4 Swords used, and I actually really liked it.

    Not to mention while it might be a bother for some it would work a lot on removing some interface clutter on the main screen and put it on the small screen, unless it just reprojects the big screen on the small screen. That would be a bummer.
  • ceebee
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    ceebee polycounter lvl 14
    Might be cool if you shut off the big screen TV to prevent screenpeakers in FPS games and the like. When me and friends were playing Halo against one another there would always be that issue :/
  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    Slum wrote: »
    Have you seen the original PS3 dev kit?

    That thing is like "Oh..hmm... where does the Zeppelin CD go?"

    haha. I like the 80's retro look tho... my old Sony stereo tower had this look ;)
    but it's still much nicer than the wii dev kit. We do have some PS3 debug stations which look similar (or maybe this is a debug station?). But the current devkit looks like the PS3 slim (nice!).
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    ...why do they do this? Why do they force design down a certain area by sticking completely dumb controls and shit on their consoles? Why can't they just make a powerful system with a controller that supports a wide array of game types along with being ergonomically comfortable.

    Seriously, a fucking screen? Really? I can't wait to see third party devs being forced to shoehorn some stupid function in for that shit to sell more, it'll be six-axis and waggle all over again.

    Bleh. I never got a Wii, never will. I think I just want to think of Nintendo as that awesome company that vanished after the GameCube.
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    The gamecube had a little screen on the controller :P

    I think this ties well into the consoles are dying thread. Nintendo realizes if they don't suppliment their gaming with some sort of cool hardware their proprietary gaming device my vanish down the road.
  • Shadownami92
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    Shadownami92 polycounter lvl 7
    Skamberin wrote: »
    ...why do they do this? Why do they force design down a certain area by sticking completely dumb controls and shit on their consoles? Why can't they just make a powerful system with a controller that supports a wide array of game types along with being ergonomically comfortable.

    Seriously, a fucking screen? Really? I can't wait to see third party devs being forced to shoehorn some stupid function in for that shit to sell more, it'll be six-axis and waggle all over again.

    Bleh. I never got a Wii, never will. I think I just want to think of Nintendo as that awesome company that vanished after the Gamecube.

    Maybe they figure everyone else is already doing the powerful system stuff? I don't mind their experimentation, I think it can serve useful for the game industry. And I'm always up for some variety.

    The controller itself (speculating if the posted controller design is like what they are really making) looks good as long as it doesn't end up being awkward to hold size wise. And the screen can serve a good use.

    It tested well with Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles as an inventory screen on the Gamecube, only drawback then was not many people had the Gamecube to GBA connector for each player. It also worked pretty well for Zelda 4 Swords when people would enter into buildings and whatnot. I could see it as a handy tool for action rpgs where going into your inventory doesn't freeze the gameplay.
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    eld wrote: »
    The Wii is slightly faster than the first xbox.

    Somewhat, though Wii took a step back by not having programmable shaders (Why something like Doom3 could be done on the original XBox but not Wii). Plus the xbox could do 720p/1080i.
  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    PolyHertz wrote: »
    Somewhat, though Wii took a step back by not having programmable shaders (Why something like Doom3 could be done on the original XBox but not Wii). Plus the xbox could do 720p/1080i.

    this isnt exactly true, you can do programmable shaders and normal mapping on the wii, konami has done it, the conduit has normal maps as well. i have also worked on a few wii titles with shaders, mario galaxy has fresnel, and you have to program a shader to do that.
    i am not saying its better than an xbox or anything because i have never personally worked on an xbox title, but i have written shaders for the wii, its just different, the wii uses a TEV (Texture Environment Unit), this is used for lighting and shading, and everything is custom, there is no shader model 2.0 or anything, problem is its way easier to not go out of your way to write custom code. the reason most wii games look like crap is lazy devs that are afraid to do any machine code and rely on api's to do everything for them.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    low odor wrote: »
    not sure if this is real or not

    I hope to Christ its not real.
  • notman
  • Will Faucher
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    Will Faucher polycounter lvl 12
    The gamecube had a little screen on the controller :P

    I think this ties well into the consoles are dying thread. Nintendo realizes if they don't suppliment their gaming with some sort of cool hardware their proprietary gaming device my vanish down the road.

    lolwut? The gamecube controller most definitely did NOT have a screen. I have one right in front of me.

    I don't think consoles will be dying anytime soon though. That theory comes from some mobile fanboy who needs to get his head out of his apps.
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    Bah, shoulda googled, I owned an XBox this console generation and i was thinking of the dreamcast controller.

    Still think the threat to major consoles is very real though, things happen fast this day and age. No one's saying consoles willl disappear in a year here. In 6 years? who knows.
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    Bah, shoulda googled, I owned an XBox this console generation and i was thinking of the dreamcast controller.

    Still think the threat to major consoles is very real though, things happen fast this day and age. No one's saying consoles willl disappear in a year here. In 6 years? who knows.

    What threat?, mobile gaming targets a whole other market, the nes didn't die when the gameboy came out, and the iphone most definately

    Different experiences, different platforms, and the difference in being able to power a portable device and having to power another through an outlet.
  • jarrede
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    jarrede polycounter lvl 7
    man, I remember people saying "this is it for Nintendo, they're going outta business" Once they heard Sony was releasing the PSP, talked all kinds of smack about the DS too, and mocked the Wii.

    Mock it all you want, the sales speak for themselves. As for Nintendo entering the hardcore market, I believe it's unlikely they intend to even compete head to head with Microsoft and Sony, I mean, why would they have to? They seem to be doing pretty well with their current market strategy.
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    I hope this next console is good and has good online support that's not so "Everyone is a predator" thing going on. I had one friend and after imputing that 16 digit code, I was done.

    Went looking around on the net for ref images (porn) and found a pic of this game running on PC (Wii Emulator). This looks really nice (well a little up in the textures, but the AA is awesome). I just want Nintendo to make a damn console that's not so niche. I did enjoy my Wii for a while, but I haven't played one since Dec 2008. And from the looks of it, I have not missed much.


    Wii Native res VS HD res.


  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    If Nintendos next system renders Gamecube/Wii games in a higher resolution that'd make it a day1 purchase for me. :) I've even seen pics of dolphin rendering games in ultra-widescreen across 3 monitors (not stretched). I doubt Nintendo would do something like that, but can always hope.

    Here's a few more pics of Wii/Gamecube games running in HD:
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    Seeing those pictures... Nintendo, Nintendo, Nintendo... tisk.

    Here's to hoping the next console is awesome.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    PolyHertz wrote: »
    If Nintendos next system renders Gamecube/Wii games in a higher resolution that'd make it a day1 purchase for me. :)

    Damn rite, I might now even buy any games for that actual platform! But I will be buying the Mario Galaxy games so I can see them how they should be seen. Also, Wind Waker! Boner!
  • Snowfly
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    Snowfly polycounter lvl 18
    Stunning! Those artists got gypped big time, the artwork is gorgeous :o
  • Krypteia
    Those screens are indeed amazing!
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    I am learning some of these have re-done texture packs. Either way, looks kick ass.
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    Lamont wrote: »
    I am learning some of these have re-done texture packs. Either way, looks kick ass.

    No, none of those pics above have been modified like that. But injecting new textures into n64/gamecube/wii games is possible. Here's some examples of what you're talking about:

  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    Slum wrote: »
    Have you seen the original PS3 dev kit?


    That thing is like "Oh..hmm... where does the Zeppelin CD go?"

    holy shit!
    i actually really wish my PS3 looked like that...
  • Maph
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    Maph polycounter lvl 8
    I'm actually sort of looking forward to Nintendo's new console.
    The wii was a massive fail game wise, although a huge marketing success; the Gamecube had some seriously gorgeous gems on there; but it was a severly underplayed console. The N64 was brilliant, but was overshadowed by the success of the PS1.
    I seriously think they need another SNES wonder. Shitloads of quality 3rd party games, shitloads of quality 1st party games that aren't a total rehash from an older title (all the current Zelda's are still just feeding of the glorious corpses of Ocarina of Time & Wind Waker imho).
    Weird ass controllers aside; this could be quite interesting imho. :)

    But seeing that Nintendo made the first move, I'm also looking forward to Sony's and Microsoft's response!
  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    Slum wrote: »
    Have you seen the original PS3 dev kit?


    That thing is like "Oh..hmm... where does the Zeppelin CD go?"

    this was not the original ps3 devkit, this was the one they sent out after the console launched, if you had the pleasure of working with the original its about the size of 3 of those stacked on top of each other.

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