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3ds Max 2009 Performance?

polycounter lvl 13
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CJE polycounter lvl 13
Hey guys,

I'm experiencing some poor perfornace when using 3ds Max 2009 (2011 as well) 64-bit. I'm not sure if my system is limiting it, or there is actually another issue at work.

I have:

Intel Q6600 Quad Core (2.4ghz x4)
ATI Radeon HD 5770 1GB
8 GB Memory
Windows 7 x64.

I'm running Max 2009 with all the latest updates and graphics card updates.

Whenever I load in a mesh with lets say, more than 400,000-500,000 Triangles, my viewport slows down to an almost unusable state, im talking if I'm lucky 5-10 FPS. As well, opening Max Scenes, even with a small mesh takes forever.

I've attempted to reinstall Max, but it hasn't had any effect.

Any thoughts?


  • Artifice
    My initial thought would be drivers. ATI is notoriously iffy when it comes to driver compatibility with 3D apps. Try updating or rolling back your drivers to different versions and see if that helps.

    Beyond that, there's a lot of factors that could be the problem, but I can tell you it should be working well. I have a similar setup and have no problem pushing 1 million+ polys in Max.
  • Neavah
    I experience performance issues (go from 90+ fps to 3-15) when 1 of 2 is true:

    1. I'm running several programs (specifically a beefy udk scene)
    2. I'm working on a max scene with a shit ton of opacity maps.
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