So..I'm doing an art test So I can't really show you what I'm working on or talk about it, really. But I'm using the most recent build of UDK. It seems everytime I build the lighting in my scene recently I am getting really bizarre shadowing everywhere. As if.. the lighting keeps baking on top of the shadow map instead of writing over it. I made a fresh new scene and made a whole new lighting scheme but the same deal is happening. I was wondering if there is some sort of button I need to push to keep it from doing this, or if this is a common issue, or something completely wonky. The art test is due pretty soon and its a major company. Any help would be appreciated.
and all my light maps are set to bake on the "1" coordinate. I made sure in maya to give the light maps a second UV layout where they all get their own space and there is no overlapping.
I don't really have a solution, I'm afraid...
But, If I completely erase the Mesh's existence from Unreal, create all new .ASE's then reimport seems I get a "clean slate". The Problem occurs when I up the resolution of the light maps AFTER I do one bake. I get that weird...artifacty shit smeared all over my props. I've heard from the internet that the April UDK has been giving lighting issues. who knows, maybe thats it. All I know is that problem has never happened to me before.
Also, is it normal for SWARM to fail in the beginning 50% of the time?