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Hair and Fur issue in Max

Hey there! I'll take this time quickly to say hi :). I'm a new member to Polycount, and also new to 3D :). I started Uni in September last year majoring in Animation. First time I ever touched a 3D program! I won't count that day with Lightwave when I was 16, that was just a disaster :).

But enough of that!

I'm having a slight problem with the Hair and Fur modifier when instancing a Poly.

I was just following a random tutorial on how to create a kind of anemone seabed. Figured a good way to get better at 3D was just to do any type of tutorial outside of Uni.

Basically, this is my result (Not resized)

Here's a screen cap of the seabed and the anemone.

Not quite sure what's going on. I just greated a plane for the seabed, then moved the vertexes around to make it that shape. For the anemone I just used a spline with the laithe modifier, then converted to an editable poly to add polygons so it could deform.

Sorry if this is either in the wrong place, or has already been covered. I have a tenancy to screw things up quite easily :).
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