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Retopo G - Retopology Tool For Maya

Tool Preview:

Retopo G makes re-topology, the process of rebuilding mesh over an existing sculpture, simple in Maya. What makes Retopo G so efficient is the Context Sensitive polygon building creation. This means almost any task can be done with the ‘g’ (repeat) key.

The goal of Retopo G is to create a fast re-topology tool that works directly inside of maya, does not require a plugin, and does not interrupt your standard modeling tools.

More Information Here

Feel free to email me regarding this tool as well. My contact information can be found on my webpage above.


  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Well, while that's cool (Maya has needed a good retopology solution outside of NEX for a long while now), it's a bit strange that you're posting this, yet it's "not publicly available". Why not just release it?
  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    Looks sweet. Wouldn't mind giving it a go.
  • Crispy4004
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    MoP wrote: »
    Well, while that's cool (Maya has needed a good retopology solution outside of NEX for a long while now), it's a bit strange that you're posting this, yet it's "not publicly available". Why not just release it?

    Think of this as a preview.

    1. I still have a few very small kinks to work out.
    2. Prepping it to sell is not something I currently do have time to do.
    3. Right now, I consider this tool a strong asset to my portfolio (including scripts, not just artwork), for a potential employer to consider. If this is public, that goes away.

    Of course I understand as well, releasing it publicly will get me recognition, and with that potential work as well, but I want to make the right choice at the right time. The plan right now is to sit on it for a while to allow me to finish up my last semester at school, then decide on what to do.
  • BeatKitano
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    BeatKitano polycounter lvl 16
    MoP wrote: »
    Well, while that's cool (Maya has needed a good retopology solution outside of NEX for a long while now), it's a bit strange that you're posting this, yet it's "not publicly available". Why not just release it?

    This !

    Looks like someguy entering a room full of kids and saying, who want ice cream ?

    And then "sorry you can't have any". :poly136:
  • Crispy4004
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    Sorry everyone :). Think of this as a preview for now.

    Before I can even think about sharing it I need some sort of licencing system in place to protect it. I have yet to decide if I want to release it publicly or keep it as an asset to my portfolio. I know how many people would love to use this though, so I am strongly considering a public release.

    Also I have a few kinks to work out, and a few exciting new features to clean up that didn't make the demonstration cut. It will be worth the wait.
  • verybad
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    verybad polycounter lvl 17
    *wahh* I want icecream!
  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    Crispy4004 wrote: »
    Sorry everyone :). Think of this as a preview for now.

    Before I can even think about sharing it I need some sort of licencing system in place to protect it. I have yet to decide if I want to release it publicly or keep it as an asset to my portfolio. I know how many people would love to use this though, so I am strongly considering a public release.

    Also I have a few kinks to work out, and a few exciting new features to clean up that didn't make the demonstration cut. It will be worth the wait.

    Surely you should have some people testing it though ;P

    I'll be happy to help. Also. I want Ice Scream!
  • Crispy4004
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    Not to promise anything yet, but a beta is definitely a possibility and something I want to do if I decide on turning this into a product to sell. That said it will take me some time to prepare everything for that.
  • jipe
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    jipe polycounter lvl 17
    Crispy4004 wrote: »
    Before I can even think about sharing it I need some sort of licencing system in place to protect it. I have yet to decide if I want to release it publicly or keep it as an asset to my portfolio.
    Well, I think there are two issues here: one is that you can still use this as a portfolio piece and distribute it at the same time (whether for sale or not). In fact, it's likely that making it available in one way or another will get you far more attention than just sticking it on your site.

    The second is that selling someone does not necessarily require a licensing scheme. I hate to rant here, but I'm really tired of contributing money for scripts or plugins and then suffering from a half-brained licensing scheme that requires weird activation or doesn't work half the time or locks the license to one particular machine. People are going to steal things no matter what, and spending time and money just to harass legitimate customers is a waste of everyone's energy.

    Something to think about: one of the best script purchases I've made in the last few years is Dustin Nelson's Rapid Rig/Rapid Pose scripts. They're sold on Creative Crash for a reasonable price (I think $60 for both) and feature no copy protection whatsoever, yet his scripts have been top 5 in the marketplace for a very long time. I also know that he's gotten attention from larger studios, including one feature studio.

    Promoting yourself and sharing your tools, whether for money or not, are not mutually exclusive goals. I would also urge you to avoid complicated, annoying licensing schemes.
  • Crispy4004
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    I get where you are coming from. Licences can be a major pain when they do not work. As for piracy, I'm sure there will be an attempt on breaking the protection of my tool. I have felt the effects first hand before when a video tutorial of mine started being shared and sales took a nose dive.

    But unlike that situation, I'll have a product that goes beyond the personal user. I have already received some studio interest who are obligated to do legitimate business. In that case a licence is 100% necessary. Say if a large studio bought 1 copy and shared it with all of their employees who then took it home for personal use. It's not like I'm looking to make much, but that surely would not be the right compensation. Just to clarify as well, I like free and have released scripts for free in the past, but a tool like this is where I have to draw the line.

    In the meantime I'm receiving some outside help from friend who is going to help me get in contact with a few local studios and see if they have any intrest. Keeping it private for the meantime will give me the opportunity to talk to these people. What that means is for everyone waiting is I'll be taking some more time to perfect it and add a few more features before potentially some sort of beta or release.
  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    If you do decide to charge for this I doubt i'd pay for it personally. Its a tool that only does re-topology and I do that in ZBrush. Ok, its a little clunky in ZBrush but it does the job. Others use topogun, 3d coat, etc. I doubt it'll compete with them. Thats not to say some might pay for it though.

    I do understand why you would like to make cash from your hard work though. Who wouldn't. But look at tools like xNormal and ndo. They are free and extremely powerful tools that have changed workflows in the industry and in people's personal work.
  • Crispy4004
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    Well, this tool is not really for you then if you feel Zbrush is adequate. Personally, as much as I hate the append polygon tool, I'd even rather use that than Zbrush. Both are beyond frustrating and unproductive for me.
  • mastershokhan
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    I'm interested and I would pay now! As far as price...$30 seems fair, not like you asking my opinion, but there it is. I bought Wrap-it for Max when it became available.

    I'm up for beta-testing too!
  • Crispy4004
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    New Website is up with several big updates. Hoping to get a Beta going soon:

  • CopperHaze
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    This looks sick! I am interested and I know a few artists in my studio would love this. Keep us updated. Thanks!
  • obliviboy
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    obliviboy polycounter lvl 12
    how much will it cost?
  • haikai
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    haikai polycounter lvl 8
    I'm interested. Being all within Maya and leveraging the interface I'm most familiar with is huge. Nex was nice when I used it, but still a bit clunky, and I still find myself using native Maya retopo for most tasks.

    I'm curious, do you have any functionality for mirroring? Is the retopo mesh something that can also be manipulated with non Retopo-G tools? I'm wondering how it works with history and such.

    I wouldn't mind a license solution if it came to it as long as there's some sort of free trial to preview it. Looks great so far! :thumbup:
  • Crispy4004
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    obliviboy wrote: »
    how much will it cost?

    I do not have an exact figure yet but the plan is to price it modestly, probably on the lower side as far as these tools go. Want to be both fair about it and ultimately have more people using it.

    haikai wrote: »
    Nex was nice when I used it, but still a bit clunky, and I still find myself using native Maya retopo for most tasks.

    I am still a big fan of NEX's Quad Draw. Every Topo tool could learn a thing or two from its simplicity and efficiency. While I am doing things a bit differently, it is ultimately the tool I hold in the highest regard because of how streamlined it is. Of course, it grew a bit tired of some of the setbacks, and wanted a little more.

    haikai wrote: »
    I'm curious, do you have any functionality for mirroring? Is the retopo mesh something that can also be manipulated with non Retopo-G tools? I'm wondering how it works with history and such.

    I wouldn't mind a license solution if it came to it as long as there's some sort of free trial to preview it. Looks great so far! :thumbup:

    Mirroring unfortunately is not something in the cards at the moment. A simple instanced mirror display would be easy, but everything else like symmetry snapping and true toggle mirrored tools would be very challenging to create in Maya. It is a small benefit for a lot of work that right now is better spent fixing bugs.

    As far as how it works, RetopoG is not a true wrapping tool like say Wrappit that performs a wrap after every task. To boost performance in Maya I went a different route using some tricks to give the illusion of it with key tools. It is not without its limitations but I have added things to make those easier to overcome. All of these will be covered in a video and final documenataion. Understand that some issues may have more to do with Maya & Autodesk in general than me, but I am trying my best to give us Maya users the best workflow possible.
  • Crispy4004
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    The closed Beta testing has begun! Understand however, I need to keep the number of testers to a manageable amount for me. That means until I can comfortably support more, it will be fairly selective. Your odds will be better if you have professional experience and work/live closer to me (LA). I had to divide it up somehow and unfortunately that's how it has to be. :poly122:

    Send your Beta Request to to:
  • Crispy4004
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    Please, when you send me your requests, include information on where you work and a link to your portfolio! If you have already sent me a request, please get back to me with the information. It will save me lots of time having to look everyone up.

    Also, the tool is currently only comparable with Maya 2011 and Maya 2012 on Windows. Mac OS support may be possible in the future, but all that depends on if I can get some serious time working in the OS. There are licencing issues with Mac, and a few other big Mac OS specific bugs that more or less are inconsistencies across platforms in Maya.
  • Crispy4004
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    Don't know how many Linux users there are out there, but just wanted to give an update and say everything works 100% on the platform. Actually it even works better. A few bugs that happen on windows do not carry over to Linux.
  • pinkbox
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    This looks so awesome!

    Have you got an estimate on release date?
  • Crispy4004
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    So it has been many months since first I demonstrated this tool or provided any update to the Polycount community. Yes, I am still alive, have been hard at work on RetopoG, and the Beta testing was a great success. A ton of new features have been added that should make the wait well worth it. To get an idea of what some of those are, you can have a look at my Tech Reel:

    (out of date, many additions and improvements have been made since)

    So where does RetopoG currently stand? First the good news. The core tool is nearly complete with just one minor bug left to fix! You could say it only needs the final coat of polish. Keep in mind that does not mean all the work related to releasing the product is done (video tutorials, up to date documentation, Registration Key distribution, etc)

    As for the bad news, yes, RetopoG.com is currently down. My hopes were to release RetopoG by the end of the month, unfortunately having to now find and switch to a new webserver has slowed down progress on the web end :poly122:. Also, while it is great news for me, I got a job. I'm in the middle of preparing for a move and will likely need some time to settle and adjust. Inevitably it will be pushed back a little further, but assuming life doesn't throw any curve-balls, it is well on track for a release in the near future.

    Thank you everyone for your continued patience!

  • Froyok
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    Froyok greentooth
    Yes !

    I can't wait man ! :)
  • OrganizedChaos
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    OrganizedChaos polycounter lvl 17
    Is there any way to get on a mailing list of sorts to be notified of when this is released? (Or...well... maybe just watching this thread will do :) )
  • bugo
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    bugo polycounter lvl 17
    Cris sends an email sometimes for its updates. You should ask him for it.
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