Hey folks, pretty much finished the high-poly modelling in Max, then going to take it into zBrush to add some more detail and rough up the surface a bit. Feedback at this stage would be great, so any is welcome!
(I realised as I was uploading these pictures the ram-rod and barrel sights were missing. Also, my Nitrous viewport gives me some odd shading.)
Okay, cheers for that guys. Is this better, or do I still need to go a bit further? I'm not too sure how far you should exaggerated the edges for sake of the normal map.
Your spec seems way too dark right now. Metal has a relatively high specular, there's no reason your spec should even be darker than your diffuse when texturing metal. If you want the metal darker you should really darken up the diffuse and then hit it with a bright spec and just keep darkening the diffuse until you hit the colors/values you like. Right now it feels very matte and not metal at all.
Also you should use the opposite of the color of the wood on your spec map because right now with the orange highlight it's reading as copper to me, and looks more metal than the metal does, because of the higher spec on the wood. If you invert the color and bring the spec down somewhat (depending on how lacquered and shiny the wood is meant to be) you should get a softer white highlight which will help it actually read as wood.
Hey man, thanks for the feedback. I've read that article a couple of times, I guess I've just been going down the wrong path for a little while. Everything you've said makes complete sense. I'll make some changes and post up the results.
So much better than it was before, the metal definitely reads as metal and the wood reads like wood.
My only suggestion is to maybe make the gunk at the connection point between the stock and the metal piece a bit more subtle it seems a little bit too harsh, same with some of the scratches. I'd just knock them back a bit in that 3rd map of yours (which is the gloss? right?)
Also I'd make the scratched off paint/metal around the bit below the barrel a tad more subtle as well.
Looking much better. However the cuts and scrapes in the spec are far too harsh on the wood! Assuming the scrapes are a separate layer, wack the opacity down on them to about 50% and try it out.
The metal however is looking good, the end of the barrel is looking very nice, that is the real stand out bit for me. Again though, the contrast on the metal is quite intense, a bit much perhaps.
Thought I may as well try and finish off old work rather than starting new stuff.
The high-poly changed a bit:
Low-poly with bake:
Diffuse and spec:
Added a gloss map.
Also you should use the opposite of the color of the wood on your spec map because right now with the orange highlight it's reading as copper to me, and looks more metal than the metal does, because of the higher spec on the wood. If you invert the color and bring the spec down somewhat (depending on how lacquered and shiny the wood is meant to be) you should get a softer white highlight which will help it actually read as wood.
For more info on how spec works with different types of materials try checking this out http://www.manufato.com/?p=902
Thanks again man!
My only suggestion is to maybe make the gunk at the connection point between the stock and the metal piece a bit more subtle it seems a little bit too harsh, same with some of the scratches. I'd just knock them back a bit in that 3rd map of yours (which is the gloss? right?)
Also I'd make the scratched off paint/metal around the bit below the barrel a tad more subtle as well.
Otherwise I'd say this is pretty much done.
The metal however is looking good, the end of the barrel is looking very nice, that is the real stand out bit for me. Again though, the contrast on the metal is quite intense, a bit much perhaps.