I am kind of taking a survey, but I am also curious as to what your favorite art styles are?
My favorite is Steam Punk
Unfortunately there isn't much steam punk art, or at least much that I know of, but any piece of art I see that is steam punk is just creative and unique.
What are your favorite Art Styles?
As for steampunk, I don't know if it's a style as much as a genre of content. If you mean stuff that looks grungy, kind of gritty with the occasional brassy shine, then yeah, I love that stuff too. But I think it's more of a genre! Semantics, pftt.
seconded for impressionism, also magical realism.
~ ^ This.
Steampunk/Cyberpunk aren't Art styles. They are just subjects. That's like saying 'My favourite artsyle is green Aliens'.
Anime, Horror, Blood. Mixed.
Really loving the Art Deco movement as well, and to a lesser extent , Nouveau.
It's kind of a commercial style, which reminds me of Norman Rockwell, who is also awesome.
I mean artists in plural. Just about everybody who's gone through that company has a pretty awesome body of work.
Richard Anderson, Daniel Dociu, Horia Dociu, Mathew Barret, Jaime Jones, and Kekai Kotaki just to name my favorites. They all have unique styles, but just Anet's in general.
I can tell you what I don't like, though:
Stupid, sexual Pinups
Anything remotely like Lady Gaga
Modern art (^^she's like the personification of it^^)
Super anime
furry art (98% of it)
fan art that is drawn in the own person's style rather than the original (usually because it's badly done)
And overly emo, goth, punk stuff. Like beyond kinky edward scissorhands crap.
like Mr. David Kassan here
If we are talking about concept art, then EVERYTHING...but
Barontieri is my fav
Also though, I am completley obsessed with traditional tattoo art, having almost finished my sleeve.
Sarah Schor is awesome
but thats only if you are into that sort of thing :P
Francis Bacon
Peter Doig
I think I understand :poly142:
cant un-see
And Anamorphic Nazi German Shepard's getting head...
its not what you see now that will be the problem.. its what you see in the dark late at night..
the hall of bulls, one of the first cave arts that had shading.
the four horsemen of the apocalypse, which alot of people dont realize is a wood carving. not a painting/drawing
besides that... I prefer new age digital painting
hah you should watch the cremaster cycle, I'm pretty sure that's where she got all her material
I personally like stuff that is simple and straight up communicates it's message. minimalism, impressionism etc.
Good tastes, sir!
I also love stuff with a very graphic design-y look to it. Not sure what the style is called. Works out great though, my girlfriend paints in this style. So my apartment is covered in it!
Oh! Also, art nouveau! Love that stuff. Especially in architecture and decor.