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Advice creating this type of road in UDK

polycounter lvl 8
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snow polycounter lvl 8
I'm in the early stages of planning out a scene I'm going to spend the next month or so doing. The problem I've encountered, is how I'm going to create a road like below using terrain in UDK. I could just use a plain dirt texture and paint a path with that, but I want obvious track marks from tyres, and for it to wind off. Can you guys shed any light as to how this can be achieved in UDK?

Thanks as always.



  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    I havent done this in UDK but it should be possible to model the road in mesh segments, place it into your terrain and then displace the terrain so it goes below the road segments.
    I had to do this a while back and thats how I went about it. Worth considering if there isnt a nice specific way to do it in UDK
  • Xendance
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    Xendance polycounter lvl 7
    You could try to make a set of decal textures/materials and then project them on terrain. With a bit of work you can even get some displacement mapping going on in the material ;)
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